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Worst Fear About Growing Older?


Apr 18, 2020
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What is your worst fear about growing older?

I have always been afraid of becoming incapacitated so much that I would be a huge burden on my family. But I remember when my in-laws were alive and their biggest fear was having their minds go. Too bad my mother-in-law got dementia at a very young age and I knew it was terrifying for her.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Probably not having a retirement plan since I've been sick and haven't been able to work a job. I currently don't work because I've had issues with my mental health. I think what's wrong with me has something to do with the time period in which I go to sleep and also wake up. Doctors simply diagnosed it as a severe case of psycosis but it's been my belief for some time that's there's more going on then anyone has diagnosed yet. It's my belief this is due to the fact that my hallucinations are mostly physically there - Somewhat similar to a form of dyslexia. I have yet to tell my doctor I think it's some form of dyslexia only because as the days continue, it seems to more-so feel as if it's going to go away and subside. I do hear voices though that I can't explain though and I'm not sure if that may mean it's also Psycosis at the exact same time or some form of dyslexia where you also hear stuff.

They aren't nearly as loud as they used to be but still quite an annoyance. Mentally I'm not unstable but the symptoms are clearly there. The good news is it might go away and I'm praying it does. Recently I've been very close to at least feeling as if a recovery is near even though I have yet to recover. It's hard to tell because 1 minute you'll feel fine. And 10 minutes later feel terrible. I also feel bad most of the time, as if there's a pressure on my body and some type of irritation. The feeling bad part of it is the main reason I can't work as of now. Sometimes even getting through the day is difficult. If I got to be an old man and was still sick I guess is my issue. My family supports me but won't be around forever. Though I have an honest belief that recovery as near because there has been progress recently even though it's slow and feels as if it could subside any day.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Pain for me is my biggest fear. My joints are already awful, I have a blown knee and in the winter they literally grind and lock up at 27. I cannot imagine what time is going to do to them. My life is on the computer so getting to the point where I'm unable to type because of the pain seems like the worst outcome for me.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

My memory is already pretty awful these days, which seems to have been a side-effect of my depression (though it's not really recognised as such). So I guess my current fear is that it's going to get worse, and I'll have dementia. It'd be awful not being able to remember my nearest and dearest..
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Age is just a number. At 27 I know what I like and I spend my time doing what's important to me and my life. My advice is to just live and don't worry about age. Do what makes you happy and that's all that matters. At 20, 30, 40 or 80 you could drop dead at anytime so there is no reason to stress over it. I was told when I have something that bothers me, will it matter in 1 day? 10 days? 10 weeks? If it doesn't matter in 1 day then forget about it and move on.

The alternative is dying young, which is dramatically less appealing. Are you worrying so much that it impacts your life on a daily basis or do you, while shaving, look in the mirror and briefly consider that one day you will simply cease? Don't plan your legacy yet, live your life.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

For me, dying.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

I never really thought that growing up might be scary, but after recent events I will continue my life outside my hometown with new people and experiences. However, seeing all that makes me fear that people back home might forget about me people might pass come and go and after university I'm sure that life won't be that easily I need to be financially independent to make connections decide where to stay save up and set priorities. But after all that I do feel growing up is a journey as I get older challenges arise and well I've been facing them now so ill to continue to do so and maybe at the end of it I can see generations pass and say goodbye to the world. (sorry if it sounds too philosophical:LOL:).
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

The scariest part about growing up for me is loosing friends. I keep them so close to my heart only to realize that in the due course of time, people should move on and go their ways.

In an attempt to hide this evident fact, I try to come up with excuses to cover the guilt, only to understand that its part of growing up. Its scary. Its really really scary.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Worst fear- Outliving others. I grew up with a lot of deaths in my family. More years I'm alive, more people I lose. Flipside, we learned to not take life & living for granted!
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

With no guarantee of getting to be old as things stand today, I would say you are lucky if you can reach that milestone. But then seriously, I will be worried about my health, especially my mobility, then my senses - I hope it will stay put. Remembering things or events could be a problem but not worrying about that much. I will be reassured if I have my loved ones with me when I grow old, that certainly would be great.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

My worst fear? Probably death. What concerns me the most is, not knowing what's after death. Is it nothing? Perhaps it's heaven or hell? Nobody knows and nobody has come back to Planet Earth to tell us.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

What is your worst fear about growing older?
I have always been afraid of becoming incapacitated so much that I would be a huge burden on my family. But I remember when my in-laws were alive and their biggest fear was having their minds go. Too bad my mother-in-law got dementia at a very young age and I knew it was terrifying for her.
For me it's about losing people. I've lost a lot of people growing up, friend becoming strangers and not talking at all. Any person that I had a connection or relationship with. Losing them has been a horrible thing for me.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Probably not having a retirement plan since I've been sick and haven't been able to work a job. I currently don't work because I've had issues with my mental health. I think what's wrong with me has something to do with the time period in which I go to sleep and also wake up. Doctors simply diagnosed it as a severe case of psycosis but it's been my belief for some time that's there's more going on then anyone has diagnosed yet. It's my belief this is due to the fact that my hallucinations are mostly physically there - Somewhat similar to a form of dyslexia. I have yet to tell my doctor I think it's some form of dyslexia only because as the days continue, it seems to more-so feel as if it's going to go away and subside. I do hear voices though that I can't explain though and I'm not sure if that may mean it's also Psycosis at the exact same time or some form of dyslexia where you also hear stuff.
They aren't nearly as loud as they used to be but still quite an annoyance. Mentally I'm not unstable but the symptoms are clearly there. The good news is it might go away and I'm praying it does. Recently I've been very close to at least feeling as if a recovery is near even though I have yet to recover. It's hard to tell because 1 minute you'll feel fine. And 10 minutes later feel terrible. I also feel bad most of the time, as if there's a pressure on my body and some type of irritation. The feeling bad part of it is the main reason I can't work as of now. Sometimes even getting through the day is difficult. If I got to be an old man and was still sick I guess is my issue. My family supports me but won't be around forever. Though I have an honest belief that recovery as near because there has been progress recently even though it's slow and feels as if it could subside any day.
But you don't act like someone who is mentally drained. I believe your mental illness is now behind you, that's now prayer for you Silver.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Besides money issues, my main one is being able to play video games. My grandma is a gamer and at 84 she can't do anything fast or quick reaction.

I can only hope gaming ages along with me.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

For me it's either getting alzheimer's or dementia and not being able to function properly or recognize my loved ones. However, I am also optimistic that technological and medicinal advances will have cures or at least meaning treatments for such diseases by the time I am of age.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

For me it's either getting alzheimer's or dementia and not being able to function properly or recognize my loved ones. However, I am also optimistic that technological and medicinal advances will have cures or at least meaning treatments for such diseases by the time I am of age.
Agreed, One of my Aunt's died from that and her husband died from insanity as he never acknowledged she had an issue. WOW...
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

That's your *worst* fear? How old are you if don't mind me asking?
Well I suppose I should have elaborated, but since everyone else has brought up most of the other things I fear about growing old, erectile dysfunction was the only thing I could think of that hadn't been said prior. I'm on the younger side if you must know.