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Worst Fear About Growing Older?

RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Well I suppose I should have elaborated, but since everyone else has brought up most of the other things I fear about growing old, erectile dysfunction was the only thing I could think of that hadn't been said prior. I'm on the younger side if you must know.
No worries, It just struck me as rather esoteric. I used to know a guy who told me if it ever got to where he "couldn't get it up" he was going to commit suicide. WOW.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

I really like completing all the tasks myself and don’t like to depend on anyone or anything. I’m afraid of being immobile when getting older.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

I really like completing all the tasks myself and don’t like to depend on anyone or anything. I’m afraid of being immobile when getting older.
Agreed. My g/f's mother is physically disabled and we have to help her a lot just to walk. It saddens me, and she's only in her 60's. :(
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

From history on my father's side of the family, there had been issues of alcoholism and dementia causing issues as the family aged. Not entirely sure, but my father's father may had either dementia, or alzheimers, as he started having issues remembering things consistently, and would get mad if you told him otherwise.

With my mother's side, it was a combination of health issues (like cancer), and slow failing bodies.

In both cases, we have some semi weird genetic issues that can cause any number of issues. So I'm not expecting much other than some health related issues as I get older.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Fear of having a lot of responsibilities that's going to be very difficult for me to take care of because of not earning enough money to be able to take care of these responsibilities all by myself. I have 5 siblings that I'm going to put through the University and it's definitely very costly. 
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Knowing that you can die at any moment.

The chance of losing your memory or not remembering people you hold close.

Other people dying who are old too.. the friends and family you grew up with.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Gamer Guy said:
Knowing that you can die at any moment.
The chance of losing your memory or not remembering people you hold close.

Other people dying who are old too.. the friends and family you grew up with.
Death is the debt that we all owe and we are definitely going to pay it in full once the day is here. I think that I have accepted the fact that it's something that's going to happen. 
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Suffering from dimentia, I don't know if I got that spelling well is my biggest fear when it comes to getting old. It literally creeps me out in a weird way. 
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

[QUOTE="Lämmchen]What is your worst fear about growing older?
I have always been afraid of becoming incapacitated so much that I would be a huge burden on my family. But I remember when my in-laws were alive and their biggest fear was having their minds go. Too bad my mother-in-law got dementia at a very young age and I knew it was terrifying for her.
[/QUOTE]I don't fear getting old, in fact I really look forward to getting old because it's a blessing to get old. A lot of my folks died young and it's something that I hate so much. 
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Eventually we are all going to die one day sooner or later. It's the only thing that made me to accept getting old as a normal thing. 
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Dying sick is one of my biggest fear of getting old because it seems like a pattern when you get old, you will definitely be getting sick all the time. 
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

I don't fear growing older. There are new things that are going to come up, good or bad, I believe I can go trough them and only improve myself. I try to keep a positive mindset about things.
RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older?

Yarik said:
I don't fear growing older. There are new things that are going to come up, good or bad, I believe I can go trough them and only improve myself. I try to keep a positive mindset about things.
Not when you are bed ridden or suffering from Alzheimer's disease which is something that's very common with old people. 
Once all my kids are taken care of and all they need is in place for them, I won't

have any problems with dying but anything before that scares me.
I can't picture myself walking with a supporting stick because of old age. It's one of my biggest fears.
Alzheimer disease and dementia is my biggest fear of growing old. Most of the older folks I know suffer from either of them and it's very depressing watching them decay away when they are still alive.
The worst thing about growing older is related to health. You will become prone to various diseases, your performance (physical and mental) will deteriorate, your digestive system will no longer work efficiently and you will have to avoid eating that you normally enjoyed.
It's not so much getting older that scares me; it's the sudden stop at the end. ;)

Most people just simply fear death. However just like the gladiator said "death comes for us all, all a man can do is smile back".

But I do agree with some of the above posts. It would be terrible to end of with alzheimers and so forth.