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What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

Am I the only one here who didn't played Pokemon Go? Being an action game lover, I don't find this interesting enough to explore streets to get those Pokemons. A fully loaded riffle would be nice to hang around with. :LOL:
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

No I'm in the same boat with you. I never liked Pokemon Go. For the sheer reason that Pokemon Go is boring :P

Eh I can see why people like it but I prefer the actual games. Pokemon Legends Arceus and Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are what most people are going to be looking to get for the switch soon releasing.
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

I've heard about pikeman's games, especially the Gold, Silver type. But i don't find enough fun playing them. I only enjoy EA sports games, especially FIFA on PlayStation series.
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

The Pokémon series will always have a special place in my heart as I grew up playing a lot of them. I was unfortunate in that I originally didn't own a Gameboy and missed out on the earlier games, so Pokémon Diamond (gen four) was my first Pokémon game and really introduced me to the games' series. I think for that reason alone that Diamond/Pearl are my favourite; they're all so good though.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond later this year. <3
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

1@Lokyr[/uSER] yes I'm looking forward to it as well. To be honest Soul Silver was by far the best in my opinion. If anyone has yet to play it then it's something you should do but have you heard about Arceus? That's actually the new next-gen Pokemon game releasing soon
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

1@Lokyr[/uSER] yes I'm looking forward to it as well. To be honest Soul Silver was by far the best in my opinion. If anyone has yet to play it then it's something you should do but have you heard about Arceus? That's actually the new next-gen Pokemon game releasing soon
I actually did a Nuzlocke playthrough of Heart Gold / Soul Silver recently! I loved the mechanic of having the pokemon in the front of the party gaining its own sprite and following you in the open world, that was pretty neat.
I've seen promotional images and trailers for Legends: Arceus around. It's odd to me that they're releasing another pokemon game so close to the release to Diamond and Pearl remakes though.
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

I actually did a Nuzlocke playthrough of Heart Gold / Soul Silver recently! I loved the mechanic of having the pokemon in the front of the party gaining its own sprite and following you in the open world, that was pretty neat.
I've seen promotional images and trailers for Legends: Arceus around. It's odd to me that they're releasing another pokemon game so close to the release to Diamond and Pearl remakes though.
That's gotta be the best remake up to date, the only issue is that some music was not the best.. i was a huge fan of the violet/olivine theme.. and they almost butchered it!
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

Mine would have to be Pokémon Ruby. It was the first one I’ve played followed by Emerald and I've loved the game ever since!
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

The first one, Pokemon Red and then Pokemon Emerald was my most favorite ones out of them all.
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

The first one, Pokemon Red and then Pokemon Emerald was my most favorite ones out of them all.
Mine would have to be Pokémon Ruby. It was the first one I’ve played followed by Emerald and I've loved the game ever since!
Nice to see so many Pokemon players here. I have never played it, actually when it was launched in our country I was too indulged in some other games. :cautious:
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

Might be a bit controversial but none, since turn-based combat games rarely ever keep me engaged and the Pokemon series just wasn't one of them. The only spin-off from the main series I played was Pokemon Go when it had the world by the balls and I stopped soon after due to lack of interest and lack of mobile data to play for long periods of time.
RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

I have been playing Pokemon Legends Arceus and I think it's currently taking the spot as my favorite Pokemon game right now. It changes the overused formula and adds open world / exploring and crafting, which I absolutely love. 

I do miss the lack of online pvp multiplayer. If it had that, it would have been perfect. Also the ability to transfer Pokemon that aren't in the game via Pokemon Home. 