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What made you smile today?

RE: What made you smile today?

Waking up and finding myself that I'm healthy, makes me feel joyous. Their is nothing that motivated me than bring healthy enough, not even money. 
RE: What made you smile today?

Sincerem said:
Waking up and finding myself that I'm healthy, makes me feel joyous. Their is nothing that motivated me than bring healthy enough, not even money. 
That's true. It's not everyone that's fortunate to be alive and healthy. There are lot of people who are admitted in the hospital and they have spent months with no improvement. 
RE: What made you smile today?

Getting to see Barcelona beat A. Madrid 4-2 today is a great thing of joy for me. It would have been a disaster for my team had they lost to one of their bitter rivals just like how they lost to Real Madrid. 
RE: What made you smile today?

Martinsx said:
Getting to see Barcelona beat A. Madrid 4-2 today is a great thing of joy for me. It would have been a disaster for my team had they lost to one of their bitter rivals just like how they lost to Real Madrid. 
So, you're a Barcelona fan? I really lost my respect for the club when they let L. Messi go and kept buying trash players. 
RE: What made you smile today?

Anachiwo said:
So, you're a Barcelona fan? I really lost my respect for the club when they let L. Messi go and kept buying trash players. 
I keep asking myself why sell your best player and end up buying so many useless players? Even Messi is struggling since he left Barcelona. 
My brother bought a new car yesterday. It was something of joy for our family. We are still celebrating his new car.
Sincerem11 said:
RE: What made you smile today?

Waking up and finding myself that I'm healthy, makes me feel joyous. Their is nothing that motivated me than bring healthy enough, not even money.
Being alive is very big in our world today with all the war and killing that's happening. It's something to be happy for.
Eating to my fill made me smile today.

It's not everyone that have the privilege to eat to their fill.
Having to rest well all through the holidays is something that I smile for every day till the holidays is over. 
Being alive is something that is good enough to make me smile everyday because I know a lot of people who end up being in the hospital and some are even so unfortunate that they have to died but I am still alive everyday.
My grandson came over to play today. He is 6 years old and a grandpas' boy, and he stayed for 11 hours, and we played the whole time. And he put a huge smile on my face today.
I received a message from a friend earlier today and that put a smile on my face today :)
My best friend's wife gave birth today to twins. They have been trying for the past 7 years to have a baby without any success. Now, they have twins.
When I look around and see that my people are happy, I have the course to smile. I want my family members to stay happy always as that is one of the ways to have a beautiful shot at a happy life.
I am always very happy whenever it is weekend because it is a time I get to rest and not have to work my ass off like I do throughout the weekdays. I'm at home resting and enjoying myself. It makes me very happy.
Well, it was Pippen, my corgi sidekick! We were out for our morning walk, and he did this adorable little hop when he saw a squirrel. His ears perked up, and he tried to chase it (though he’s not the fastest runner).
RE: What made you smile today?

I met my cousin after almost 6 months, she made my day. We had a great chat and am happy about it.

It is always a very good feeling when you meet your relatives after not being in contact for a very long time. I'm very happy for still being alive today.