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What made you smile today?


Apr 22, 2020
I'm a big believer in positivity being a great coping skill... But sometimes, it's hard to think about the good that has happened during the day, isn't it? So, let's share our joyful moments together. By doing that, we can see more ways to look at things, and start seeing more happiness in our lives!

For me today... I learned the name for a condition I have, and that I'm not alone in having it. This made me really happy. I also smiled because I actually had motivation to write today for the first time in at least a week! :3
RE: What made you smile today?

What made me smile today was probably my 2 white and grey cats Noah and Caroline. That and my dog Teddy wouldn't stop licking my face. He's a poodle and he's a really good dog. That definitely made me smile.
RE: What made you smile today?

I had a little kid thank me for taking care of his grandma yesterday - it took all I had not to cry in front of him. :P Definitely made my day and made me smile for a few hours.
RE: What made you smile today?

I met my cousin after almost 6 months, she made my day. We had a great chat and am happy about it.
RE: What made you smile today?

Its not everyday you read about some good deeds in newspaper. Most of the days you are bombarded with depressing news about the pandemic and the resultant economic fall out. Today I read about a successful crowdfunding for treatment of a small child affected by some rare disease which could have cost the parents millions to treat, if they could afford it. This really brought a smile on my face and made me believe humanity still exists in this very unpredictable world.
RE: What made you smile today?

Serving nice customers at work today that connect with you and make an effort to talk to you in a friendly manner. It makes all the difference when you're living by yourself, and then you go to work, with guests being lovely to us. It doesn't happen every day, unfortunately.
RE: What made you smile today?

I'm alive, that alone will always put smiles on me. Being alive and healthy is second to none, that's prices less thing of life.
RE: What made you smile today?

It always makes me smile when people like eating the food I make. Also, waking up everyday is a good reason to smile.
RE: What made you smile today?

Well, every morning when I wake up, The fresh rays of sun makes me feel happy and refreshing. Afterall, we should be thankful to god for everything we have. Sun rays are a symbol of positivity.
RE: What made you smile today?

A friend of mine actually credited me with $150 in Litecoin today, so it's a very good day for me as it helped to solve a lot of problems for me this week. 
RE: What made you smile today?

Getting into the community is what I can that really made me feel happy today. It's such an exciting feeling being here. I'm looking forward to having fun here. 
RE: What made you smile today?

Ja sa bong said:
Getting into the community is what I can that really made me feel happy today. It's such an exciting feeling being here. I'm looking forward to having fun here. 
I really felt the same way when I joined the community as well. It's good when you get into a forum where there are multiple things to discuss and not limited discussion. 
RE: What made you smile today?

My dog kill a snake that's been disturbing us for over 2 months in our compound. It really made me happier because she's my protector now. 
RE: What made you smile today?

Anachiwo said:
My dog kill a snake that's been disturbing us for over 2 months in our compound. It really made me happier because she's my protector now. 
Cats are what I used to know to have it in them to kill snakes. It's super interesting to hear that your dog was equal to the task. 
RE: What made you smile today?

Ja sa bong said:
Cats are what I used to know to have it in them to kill snakes. It's super interesting to hear that your dog was equal to the task. 
I have watched a video on YouTube where a pit bull dog killed a black mamba. It's a very dangerous and poisonous snake. 
RE: What made you smile today?

Heatman said:
I have watched a video on YouTube where a pit bull dog killed a black mamba. It's a very dangerous and poisonous snake. 
I wouldn't let my dog get anywhere near that kind of snake. I know at least 3 people that were killed by the same snake in my community. 
RE: What made you smile today?

Anachiwo said:
I wouldn't let my dog get anywhere near that kind of snake. I know at least 3 people that were killed by the same snake in my community. 
There is no doubt about how dangerous snakes are and not to talk about black mamba. The way its venom spread across the whole system is too quick it kills without delay. 