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What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?


Mar 23, 2019
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I have been on just dance 2020 on my switch that's helps a lot, what about you?
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

I get in 10,000 steps daily and most of it has been outside since the weather has been nice. Where I live there area lot of hills and it's in the country so I don't have to worry about too many people being around...and I don't have to wear a mask! I like walking down to the Amish farms to see their animals and there are horse farms all around too.

There is one woman who likes to take her little pony for a run. It's the most hilarious thing to see her running her pony down the street!
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

I lift my hand/arm up several times a minute whilst I take sips out of my lager.. I also walk around the house making TikTok comedy sketchs.
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

I take care in my meals and 20 minutes walks on the belt machine should do the trick.

Helps you to release the stress as well! i highly recommend some exercises just to keep good vibes!
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

I'm still working in this madness in a local office supply retail store, on reduced hours so I've just been using the extra time to play games, watch anime and sharpen my skills to get a better job once this madness is over. I kind of wish I had a home though and could do yard work, considering the weather is getting nice.
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

Taking walks outside.
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

Taking walks outside.
What about the police? we can't go out if we don't have explicit permission to do it (job certificate). I'm able to be out from 7:00 til 21:00.
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

What about the police? we can't go out if we don't have explicit permission to do it (job certificate). I'm able to be out from 7:00 til 21:00.
Over here, I can go out to exercise around my home. I just take a stroll within 1.5 KMs from my home and with my household members too, that’s all for the lockdown where I’m living.
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

Personally I don't do much, however, I do participate in my partners zumba styled workouts!
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

Working out indoors, doing yoga and exercising indoors too.
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

Just using my little inside gym which consists of a rowing machine, exercise bike and some dumbbells.
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

My second job shelf stacking at a supermarket involves a lot of walking and lifting, so have managed to stay reasonably fit that way.. :)

RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

So far, not very different than usual, We are introvert people, so being at home is fine. We do normal housework and no real job, since I'm unemployed, showering and bath washing :P

In free time a bit more conscience about exercise, so walking, running and running up and down 38 stairs. Also, gaming, streaming, freelancing around, cleaning and made a list of chores/ DIYs long overdue ;)

If this is going to last much longer I already thought about cutting news/Netflix/phone time and going to learn a language/ programming/drawing. Lots of ideas to keep busy!
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

I do pushups and sit ups after games from time to time. I have bad joints, and a blown knee so I can't do anything cardio for the most part.
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

The lockdown is a perfect opportunity to start a routine. It's the best time to do what you've been trying to fit into your busy schedule. Now that you have the time, you can start exercising, eating healthier, reading more books, and do different exercises.
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

JoyFreak said:
I have been on just dance 2020 on my switch that's helps a lot, what about you?
I have a lot of friends on Facebook that we started a workout breaking limit routine.

We choose a drill we would do for the weak and see who breaks the record. Take for instance, I won the plank drill week with 5 minutes and 48 seconds. 

It was really fun. 
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

During the lockdown, when the mobility was completely restricted, I started doing yoga and meditation to keep myself fit and healthy. While yoga kept my body fit, meditation helped me to remain sane.
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

Nomad said:
During the lockdown, when the mobility was completely restricted, I started doing yoga and meditation to keep myself fit and healthy. While yoga kept my body fit, meditation helped me to remain sane.
Seriously, it was very frustrating at the time because no one was ever prepared for that kind of situation. At first, I felt it wasn't serious until people started dropping dead like flies over here. 
RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

Started yoga this time other than the usual basic exercise. Home workouts with a water bottle, wall push-ups, and sit-ups were beneficial too.