Hi folks,Trueprime here. I just wanted to say I been enjoying Xenforo especially the new 2.0 and 2.1 revisions. When I started developing I was into using Wordpress. Wordpress is an amazing platform for creating any niche type site, but my preference always been into gaming, or business sales. I enjoyed creating other platforms too like news and blog sites, but I wanted to continue to test the waters and aim more into the community avenue. Wordpress forum system bbpress was not what I was looking for and no matter how many times i had custom it, I always felt I was missing something in the forums. Then I discovered Vbullet. I used them for couple years until they sold out and Xenforo was created. During this whole time, I started working with other software like Bootstrap. bootstrap is amazing and holds no bounds when it comes to customizing and styling. It's more of a freelance type of scripting with no boundaries.
Since I got into Xenforo, I held off from some of my other software, unless friends or clients wanted me to use it. Now Xenforo has really advanced especially since 2.0 and 2.1 which in my opinion is amazing. Xenforo is one of the best forum platforms out there up to date. Recently I been working on several projects and put my foot back in the door to using Bootstrap. Right now I am working on several ways of merging a Bootstrap platform with Xenforo as the forums. This is an exciting journey and of course I'll be glad to share some of my discoveries. Feel free to like or comment on which softwares you enjoy or prefer. Also never let your mind believe it has limits, because if you set your goals right, only the sky is the limit
Since I got into Xenforo, I held off from some of my other software, unless friends or clients wanted me to use it. Now Xenforo has really advanced especially since 2.0 and 2.1 which in my opinion is amazing. Xenforo is one of the best forum platforms out there up to date. Recently I been working on several projects and put my foot back in the door to using Bootstrap. Right now I am working on several ways of merging a Bootstrap platform with Xenforo as the forums. This is an exciting journey and of course I'll be glad to share some of my discoveries. Feel free to like or comment on which softwares you enjoy or prefer. Also never let your mind believe it has limits, because if you set your goals right, only the sky is the limit