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How much would you spend on a bed and mattress?

RE: How much would you spend on a bed and mattress?

Nagato said:
How much would you spend on a bed and mattress?
My comfort is very important to me, so it's why I wouldn't bother too much about the amount of money I'm going to be spending on the mattress because it's for my own good. 
RE: How much would you spend on a bed and mattress?

I got a new mattress last year. It costed around $600 and it's pretty comfortable. I don't like cheaping out on comfort products as I want a better quality of life. Anyway, I wouldn't do more than $1000 for a mattress.
At least $500 should be more than enough for me to spend on my bed and mattress. I love big sized bed and that amount should be able to get it for me.
Nagato said:
How much would you spend on a bed and mattress?
Just $200 was more than enough for me to get a very good and solid bet for my new apartment. I was thinking it wouldn't be enough but I hit a jackpot with the buy from a Chinese company.
Anachi said:
At least $500 should be more than enough for me to spend on my bed and mattress. I love big sized bed and that amount should be able to get it for me.
$500 is too much to spend on bed and mattress in my opinion.
$500 is too much to spend on bed and mattress in my opinion.
It is all about the comfort of the person who is making use of it and not about the amount of money that have been spent on purchasing the mattress. I would spend any amount on a mattress as long as it gives me exactly what I wanted.