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Home or theater?


Jul 23, 2020
Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a movie theater? Why do you prefer that over the other?

If you do both, how often do you do each?
RE: Home or theater?

I actually like both settings and don't really have a preference. I am a huge movie nerd so I watch movies when they're released fairly often; I love the atmosphere and the general experience of it; the company, the snacks and of course new content. Though, that being said I do also rather enjoy just putting a movie on at home, getting cozy with blankets and whatnot and have the ability to pause or rewind whenever necessary. Either option is just fine with me!
RE: Home or theater?

Definitely at home but would be nice if someone had a home theater basically in their house. It's never the same. Watching a movie in theaters is so much more fun but I just can't ever bring myself to want to see one bad enough to leave the house just to do it.
RE: Home or theater?

I do not like going to the theater. I rarely watch movies, but when I do, I do it at home. Going anywhere where there is likely going to be a crowd is not my cup of tea.
RE: Home or theater?

Nothing to beat the experience of watching movie in a theatre. However, it's quite a long time since I have visited a theatre. With the pandamic not relenting, I find it safe to watch movies at home. You can not recreate the big screen and sound effects at home, but I am just happy with the way it is. Probably when things start to ease and when it's safe to be in the crowd, I will re-watch my favourite movies in the theatre if it's still showing then.
RE: Home or theater?

I love theatres, especially Imax. Seeing movies with super special effects that too in 3d is awesome experience.

Unfortunately due to this pandemic have stopped visiting theatres now and stuck to home theatre.:cry:
RE: Home or theater?

I like both. But currently am missing theatre. Before pandemic, I used to watch movie in theatres atleast once a month.
RE: Home or theater?

Prefer to watch movies in a quiet place which is sweet home. Chit-chatting, breaking the silence when some scary scene comes happens in Theater which i don't like.
RE: Home or theater?

Depends, its easy to set up your own home theater these days if you don't have neighbors that is. Also depends on the movie, most I rather watch in the theater.
RE: Home or theater?

I prefer watching a movie at home with friends. I have bad experience with theater the crowd destroyed the movie for me, one
RE: Home or theater?

JennyorAlice said:
Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a movie theater? Why do you prefer that over the other?
If you do both, how often do you do each?
I prefer to watch on Netflix at home or workplace or traveling or anywhere else I can relax to watch the movies. I go to the cinema once in a blue moon. 
RE: Home or theater?

It all depends on the type of movie. If the movie has a lot of CGI (super hero movies for examples), I like to watch these movies in theaters.
RE: Home or theater?

Phoenix said:
I prefer watching a movie at home with friends. I have bad experience with theater the crowd destroyed the movie for me, one
Seriously, it's the distraction and unnecessary noise making that turns me off when it comes to watching movies at the theater. 
RE: Home or theater?

I would like to watch movies at home with friends and family. The theater cost me a lot
RE: Home or theater?

Theatre experience can never be replicated at home. The viewing pleasure you get when watching a movie in a theatre is just out of the world. I am sure even if you own a high-end Home theatre system, you will never actually get the right effect. So, I prefer theatre to home viewing.
RE: Home or theater?

Well, depending on how stressful going to the theater is going to be for me, I would rather have the movie watched at home. 
RE: Home or theater?

JennyorAlice said:
Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a movie theater? Why do you prefer that over the other?
If you do both, how often do you do each?
I do both of them, although I do enjoy being in the comfort of my home to watch more often. It's only when I'm pressured to come out then I do it in the theater. 
RE: Home or theater?

Funnybones said:
Theatre experience can never be replicated at home. The viewing pleasure you get when watching a movie in a theatre is just out of the world. I am sure even if you own a high-end Home theatre system, you will never actually get the right effect. So, I prefer theatre to home viewing.
Yeah, that's very correct. Home is fun and relaxing but the fun you're going to experience in the theatre is definitely more than what you can ever get in your home. 
RE: Home or theater?

JennyorAlice said:
Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a movie theater? Why do you prefer that over the other?
If you do both, how often do you do each?
At home is always better for me, with the pandemic of coronavirus have made going to theatre a very difficult thing for me to do. 
RE: Home or theater?

I would prefer seeing a big new movie in the theatre. The atmoshphere there is completely different. It just feels better overall. Also, I've never tried a 3D movie. It might be the time to try and check what it feels like!