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Do you believe in reincarnation?

RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Yes. I do. I don't believe the will is able to die. When we move from this life to the next our will goes somewhere else. The will inside us can never die. I'm not sure it was always this way but it's my personal belief it is now. I've always pondered if the light was the mothers womb and your reincarnation being born. Near death experiences seem to negate that from being fact however those people are still alive so there's no way to know for certain. Reincarnation is a beautiful thing. I believe the will is stacked onto the next to be awoken when one hears their name or (my own personal belief) that one prays to god for the first time.

These are issues that will and can be debated much so in the future by many people. However I am holding back I won't lie on my own experiences because I know the majority of users won't believe or be as serious as they should. Anyways I believe were dormant inside our reincarnations until they become of age as an adult and then we simply share the same will and live again. I also believe in Heaven, I just do not exactly know how it comes into play with reincarnation. Possibly as the bible says we go to heaven first where we can then come back to earth as another human if god allows it. I tend to believe every word the bible says but I won't act as if I haven't had my own proof reincarnation is a real thing.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

I don't really know. My will to live is strong and of course i'm afraid of death but mostly because i haven't achieved my dreams yet. I do believe that our soul is eternal and once we are born, we never really die.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

No. I believe that once we die, we are dead. I personally find that we are just being egotistic when we expect to be reborn, as if the world would not be able to survive without us! :)
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

No. I believe that once we die, we are dead. I personally find that we are just being egotistic when we expect to be reborn, as if the world would not be able to survive without us! :)
I believe that we do get reincarnated. Because, how can the Earth be 4,600,000,000 years old and our ancestors about six million years and the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago. Not to mention the Netherlands.
That said, Ghosts and Hauntings are a thing and animals.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Yes. We can be something else in the next life.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

I don't. It's one life in this world and an after life. Pretty simple for me.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Sounds like hell to me, I have to go through school again? Please no :P

Hard to say, though we will all learn the answer one day, if there is one.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Hmm, I've heard so many things about reincarnation but I don't believe in after-life, living in another city or country. When the soul is gone it returns back to our grand creator that's all. But I believe their is life after now, it will be when things are put back in order, when our grand creator makes things brand new and the good ones will live life everlasting.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

I believe that we do get reincarnated. Because, how can the Earth be 4,600,000,000 years old and our ancestors about six million years and the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago. Not to mention the Netherlands.
That said, Ghosts and Hauntings are a thing and animals.
Not sure what you are going on about.
I believe in souls and that they can inhabit different bodies.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

If it does exist, then good. Love to experience something different than what I am experiencing now. :D I have been previously been told I am an old soul, so if reincarnation is true, then that would explain why I have particular habits and views of the world and how it operates.

If Reincarnation doesn't exist, but a heaven where we can eventually get our bodies back as perfected beings, then I am fine with that too. :)
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

If it does exist, then good. Love to experience something different than what I am experiencing now. :D I have been previously been told I am an old soul, so if reincarnation is true, then that would explain why I have particular habits and views of the world and how it operates.
If Reincarnation doesn't exist, but a heaven where we can eventually get our bodies back as perfected beings, then I am fine with that too. :)
What do you mean by an old soul? What are the characteristics?
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

been told I am an old sou
I firmly believe that my g/f and I have spent several lifetimes together throughout the ages.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

What do you mean by an old soul? What are the characteristics?
Basically, the term to refer to someone who has wisdom beyond their years. Others tend to use it as someone who is more enlightened than other people who are their age.
Here are 11 signs that can help to identify if you are one:

1. You have a preference for solitude

2. You’re sensitive and empathic

3. You have a profound understanding of human nature

4. You have the ability to deeply introspect

5. You tend to experience a lot of psychological tiredness

6. You’re disinterested in worldly achievements or status

7. You have an inclination towards spirituality

8. You have a mystical approach to life

9. You thirst for truth and wisdom

There are other ways to identify an old soul. If I understand it, there are up to 50 questions that can be answered that can point one in that direction.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Basically, the term to refer to someone who has wisdom beyond their years. Others tend to use it as someone who is more enlightened than other people who are their age.
Here are 11 signs that can help to identify if you are one:

1. You have a preference for solitude

2. You’re sensitive and empathic

3. You have a profound understanding of human nature

4. You have the ability to deeply introspect

5. You tend to experience a lot of psychological tiredness

6. You’re disinterested in worldly achievements or status

7. You have an inclination towards spirituality

8. You have a mystical approach to life

9. You thirst for truth and wisdom

There are other ways to identify an old soul. If I understand it, there are up to 50 questions that can be answered that can point one in that direction.
I meet most, if not all of those. :)
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

I was raised in Hindu culture, where reincarnation is one of the major characteristics.  According to Hindu belief system, there is soul inside everyone of us, and soul is eternal, it does not die. When a human dies, the soul escapes and enter another body. In Hinduism death is just a death of human body, and not the human soul. I believe in this theory.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

I do not know what to believe. But even if reincarnation existed, I would have no psychological connection to my future self. They would be a being with different memories, experiences, values, beliefs, attitude and character than me. It is hard to see how that being could be said to be me at all. - Just that I was born Normal not knowing or understanding it  
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Empire said:
I do not know what to believe. But even if reincarnation existed, I would have no psychological connection to my future self. They would be a being with different memories, experiences, values, beliefs, attitude and character than me. It is hard to see how that being could be said to be me at all. - Just that I was born Normal not knowing or understanding it  
What you've said is ideal, I wouldn't know where I'll be too after my time. Reincarnation or no reincarnation, I simply think positively to enjoy my time and not thinking who I'll be after this life. 
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Well, this is certainly a subject of an interesting debate. I personally don't believe in reincarnation. I know there are religions which do believe in reincarnation and they have different ways of departing the dead believing very strongly that they will be back. To beleive this when science and technology advancement is beyond our imagination, is a bit difficult. I have heard religious people mentioning that when body departs, soul never dies. All these are just theories with out any proof. These theories, I believe, are just passed down generations. By the way I do not believe in ghosts or supernatural being.