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Do you believe in reincarnation?

RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

I do not know if reincarnation can be explained scientifically but then it just depends on an individual's perception.  I do not believe in ghosts or reincarnation.  Once we are dead, that is it.  We all have only one life and lets live it to the fullest and let others also live in peace.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

I don't believe in reincarnation. But I have known people saying that there is only one birth as a human. So I don't know what to believe and I haven't gone deep into it.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

The Bible is completely against reincarnation.  In fact, the idea totally slams the religion.   However, the idea of karma, in a sense, is very Biblical.  In other words, what you do has consequences.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Jason Y said:
The Bible is completely against reincarnation. In fact, the idea totally slams the religion. However, the idea of karma, in a sense, is very Biblical. In other words, what you do has consequences.
The Bible believes in none of these. That is the reason he said that vengeance is of the Lord.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

The Bible is completely against reincarnation. In fact, the idea totally slams the religion. However, the idea of karma, in a sense, is very Biblical. In other words, what you do has consequences.
According to Karma principle, your deeds in this life cycle will determine how your life will be in the next lifecycle. The theory of karma is based on idea that human beings have multiple life cycles, they take rebirth multiple times.