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Do you believe in life on other planets?

I believe that there are other life forms in other planets and even the possibility of aliens being in our own planet right now. The only thing is that we don't have any concrete proof to support our assumption so far.
I haven't been to the other planets in order for me too vehemently say that there are other life forms in those planets. If it is about our own planets earth, it is already confirmed that we have life forms here because we're living human beings here.
I haven't been to the other planets in order for me too vehemently say that there are other life forms in those planets. If it is about our own planets earth, it is already confirmed that we have life forms here because we're living human beings here.
I don't have any interest with going to other planets because I don't think it's safe no matter what they preach and try to sell to the world.
I don't have any interest with going to other planets because I don't think it's safe no matter what they preach and try to sell to the world.
There are so many parts of the world in our planet which I have not been to and I think I am going to make that a priority if it comes to looking for somewhere to explore.
There are so many parts of the world in our planet which I have not been to and I think I am going to make that a priority if it comes to looking for somewhere to explore.
This is a smart thing to do and you will end up enjoying it more because there are so many beautiful places in the world where one can have good fun.
This is a smart thing to do and you will end up enjoying it more because there are so many beautiful places in the world where one can have good fun.
Yes, it is why the possibility of exploring other planets is never something that have appealed to me for one second even with all the thing Elon Musk have been doing about exploring Mars.