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Do you believe in life on other planets?


Jan 28, 2021
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With billions of planets just in our own Milky Way Galaxy, not to mention many other galaxies with their own supply of planets, you have to think there is life out there. We also have to step out of our thinking that ‘life’ may not be what WE look or act like. It’s mind-boggling the various beings, cultures that could be out there.

So, what do you think?
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

It's so hard to believe that there isn't life. We've grown up to only see ourselves as the primary dominant species. So as nature has caused us to believe that since they are much more vulnerable. However with that much out there, even your average Christian who believes there isn't, it's a hard way to envision. I can see so much potential for there to be even near the 1st light year. A matter of finding it is the problem.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

Yes, there are so many other planets out there at least one of them will have life on it.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

We don't seem to be an accident and we are too strong to be in the tales of the jesus. I think there must be life on other planets and that could be more stronger or weaker than us. We don't know who sent the panspermia on the earth and triggered all of this world from that onwards.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

t's virtually impossible that there's no other life out there. The more we learn, the more ordinary Earth seems, so it's extraordinarily likely that if we ever find a way to get out there, we'll find at least some kind of life almost everywhere we look.

There's no evidence to suggest life guarantees the development of intelligence, however, while it's entirely possible there are many billions of intelligent species in the Universe, it's also possible that intelligence is just a in billion chance.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

I don't know, but i am always curious to know whether there are planets which has human like us. Wondering who can provide the correct answer
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

Absolutely, 100%. It's crazy to think it's just us out there. There is no doubt in my mind life (in some form or the other) us.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

Definitely there will be some life form in any of the planets. I strongly believe in it.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

There are chances of some sort of intelligent life out there in the universe. Our scientists have been successful in sending probes in far away Mars on a mission. Hollywood is constantly bombarding us with Alien stories to the point that our generation have started to believe the yarn. Life in our own planet is under constant threat with animals becoming extinct and humans having to face health challenges what with new viruses taking over. So my point is space research for medical advancement is all right but I would be happy if life here is preserved and protected rather than spending billions in space in the name of expedition searching for life.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

Yes definitely in our solar system itself we have life in 1 out of 9 planets that we know. Then think about all the galaxies and solar systems out there. There is definitely life out there but not sure if it is advanced or not.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

I have ways known planet earth being the only planet where humans, and animals can exist for long period. Other planets aren't like that. Scientists are still making researches, there might be more discoveries where humans can live better like earth, Lol.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

I tend to think that there is life in other corners of the universe. I never doubt that there may be the possibility. Just look at some of the structures that have been identified on Mars of all places. If spotting those from orbit doesn't perk interest, just remember that something had to build them, since they are still there.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

Modern science strongly argues that life exists in other worlds. The same evolutionary process that has occurred on Earth should be achievable in other worlds. This is the primary explanation for scientists' belief that life exists in other worlds.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

If you look at the sky at night you can see n number of stars, it is natural to believe that some of the solar systems out there can sustain life.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

There could well be. I believe life might exists in other planets and unlike life on earth, other planets living organisms may not be dependent on oxygen. Who knows, what we call aliens are real and probably inhibiting other planets in our solar system.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

I believe there's life outside of Earth. There got to be. It's highly unlogical to think that we're alone and there's no other form of live on other planets. The universe is huge and there got to be civilizations way, way more advanced that us.
RE: Do you believe in life on other planets?

There are def living beings out there, we just don't know to what extent. Like it could be just viruses or it could be fully function living beings with higher capacities to think than us
Aliens have been living with us for ages. Our government is very aware of their existence. I hope they don't turn on us in the near future.
Anachi said:
Aliens have been living with us for ages. Our government is very aware of their existence. I hope they don't turn on us in the near future.
There is a recent report that the government is trying to recognize the existence of aliens in 2023. To me, it is long overdue.
I know 100 % that we live with aliens here in our own planet. They have so many other aliens in other planets we don't even know that exists.