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  1. Yarik

    Do you spend on cosmetic items?

    Cosmetic items only have a visual effect, there's really nothing else to them that we could benefit from. But still, many players spend money to buy skins for their characters or weapons in their favourite games. Myself, I've spent around $150 on cosmetic items. I played around a month with...
  2. Yarik

    Have you ever had a game gifted to you?

    Have you ever had a game gifted to you? What was it, and who gifted it to you? A friend of mine gifted me Stardew Valley some years ago. We wanted to play it together, but I didn't have it. So he just decided to gift it to me. We didn't finish the game, but we had a lot of fun with it. Aside...
  3. Yarik

    Do you play until late at night?

    As a teenager, I used to stay up to 3-4 AM to play video games during the weekends. I just couldn't get enough of it, as I had many other things to do during the day. But luckily, I've learnt better not to do that anymore. I don't want to ruin my sleeping schedule again. Until what time do you...
  4. Yarik

    Do you buy games only on a sale?

    I always wait for a sale to buy new video games. I use Steam, and there are spring, summer, autumn, and winter sales every year. I'm not in a rush, as I have games that I need to finish before starting new ones. The only game I remember that I got at full price was GTA V. I was just too excited...
  5. Yarik

    Do you smoke?

    I don't smoke, and I've never tried it. I will never try smoking. First of all, the smell is terrible, and smoking is extremely bad for your health. Secondly, I would rather spend the money on something else that is useful.
  6. Yarik

    iOS or Android?

    I would always go with Android. It's what I've always been using, and I'm most comfortable with it. I don't feel like switching to an iPhone. And also, iOS devices are way more expensive.
  7. Yarik

    What is the highest you can spend?

    The highest I would spend on a mobile device is $450. I don't see how a more expensive phone would be of use to me. I prefer to spend more on other things that would be beneficial to me.
  8. Yarik

    What's your favorite PC Games?

    I can't decide, so I'll name three of the games I've played the most. The first one is Minecraft, I've played it since it was in alpha versions. Then, I would say, Counter Strike. I've spent thousands of hours playing this game. And GTA Online takes the third spot, I was very excited about it...
  9. Yarik

    Is Steam worth it?

    Yes, Steam is definitely worth it. It's the biggest platform for gamers on PC. I use it on a daily basis. I've purchased many games through it. I can also use it to find guides and other players to team up with.
  10. Yarik

    Do you think you would ever quit gaming?

    I don't think I would ever quit gaming. It's one of my favourites way to relax after a hard day. I've been playing video games for more than 10 years now, and I've gotten so used to it. I can't give it up.
  11. Yarik

    Last Game Played?

    The last game I played was The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on my PC. I've decided to pick it up again after not playing it for months. I spent around an hour today in it. It's a game with an outstanding story.
  12. Yarik

    Jurassic World Evolution 2

    Everyone who likes dinos would love this video game! I've played the first one and I totally liked it. And I've been waiting for quite some time now for the second video game. Is anyone here going  to be playing Jurassic World Evolution 2? If so, it's currently on 40% sale! So, grab the hot deal...
  13. Yarik

    If you could transform into a video game character...

    Which character would you choose? You have every video game in front of you to choose from! Myself, I'd like to become my character from GTA Online. And I think it's pretty simple why. Millions of dollars, houses, vehicles, yachts, planes, businesses and many more. It would be such a dream...
  14. Yarik

    Would you join the army?

    Have you ever considered joining the army? I actually wanted to join the army to gather experience and add new skills to my set in life. It would be good knowing combat techniques and getting the training. Plus on top of that, you get prestige in the society. What do you think? Would you join...
  15. Yarik

    What’s the role in our life smartphone and mobile?

    RE: What’s the role in our life smartphone and mobile? I use my phone to make calls, read news, check information on the Internet, listen to music, play some games and many more. To be honest, it would be hard for me to live without a phone in today's world. And I believe it would be hard for...
  16. Yarik

    ARK 2

    Is anyone here waiting for the release of ARK 2? I heard there's going to be a rich in story singleplayer mode. And the main character there will be Vin Diesel! It's set to become available somewhere in 2022 I've played the first ARK game and I liked it. So I'm excited for the second one! But...
  17. Yarik

    When will WW3 happen?

    When do you think World War III will happen? If Ukraine joins NATO I think it won't take long for WW3 to break out. I hope it will be avoided and things come with peace. War is one of the worst things in this world but sometimes it's inevitable. What are your thoughts on this?
  18. Yarik

    How much would you spend on a bed and mattress?

    RE: How much would you spend on a bed and mattress? I got a new mattress last year. It costed around $600 and it's pretty comfortable. I don't like cheaping out on comfort products as I want a better quality of life. Anyway, I wouldn't do more than $1000 for a mattress.
  19. Yarik

    what do you think modern MMOs are missing now a days?

    RE: what do you think modern MMOs are missing now a days? I think most MMOs nowadays are just a copy-and-paste of each other. There's nothing much unique to offer. Well anyways, I don't play MMOs that much anymore but I'd be happy to see something new. Some big ones got released recently.
  20. Yarik

    How many subscription services do you have (inc not active)?

    RE: How many subscription services do you have (inc not active)? I only have 2 subscription services as of right now. Amazon Prime to watch movies and series, I think it's better than Netflix. More content and better pricing. And the other one I have is a a subscription to FACEIT which is a...