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Do you spend on cosmetic items?


Mar 1, 2022
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Cosmetic items only have a visual effect, there's really nothing else to them that we could benefit from. But still, many players spend money to buy skins for their characters or weapons in their favourite games.

Myself, I've spent around $150 on cosmetic items. I played around a month with them, then I decided to sell them to another player.
Very rarely. I mostly get games for the game itself. Unless the cosmetic is one I really like, say a reddish colored one, or something with dinosaurs, I will almost never get a microtransaction or preorder for cosmetics.
I have been known to purchase cosmetic items in games. Fortnite would be the one game I have done that quite a lot in.
I occasionally spend on cosmetic items in games, especially if they offer a unique look or represent a significant achievement. However, I always try to balance my in-game purchases with my budget and only splurge on items that I feel really enhance my gaming experience.
I used to spend so much on Fortnite. It was too much during 2018 and 2019 because I was hooked up on the game so badly. Now, I don't spend too much on game's cosmetics.
Well, I have spent money on cosmetic items in the past, but I don't do it any more. When you bought some cosmetic items for the game you enjoy, it feels great
Well, I have spent money on cosmetic items in the past, but I don't do it any more. When you bought some cosmetic items for the game you enjoy, it feels great
What kind of cosmetic items have you purchased ?