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  1. C

    Coronavirus Death Toll.

    RE: Coronavirus Death Toll. Having just recovered from Covid-19, it's an odd one. For me, it was a bit of an unpleasant fever. Worse than my average yearly cold/down spell, but nothing more painful per say, just irritating. It is really odd how much it can flip other's though: I have relatives...
  2. C

    Mandatory Masks

    RE: Mandatory Masks Yeah I'm like Joshua. I only wear ones where they are mandatory and don't entirely understand people who wear them whilst walking in the open air/wear them whilst cycling etc. I think the measures will be gradually relaxed and become 'guidance' rather than stringently...
  3. C

    Area 51

    RE: Area 51 They've released declassified documents which confirms it's "real": As in, an actual military base. What they have there though is another matter. Likely advanced technology, weaponry and new aircraft prototypes. I don't believe in the theory/claims they have aliens there. From a...
  4. C

    Hey there!

    Thank you!
  5. C

    Play Buttons

    RE: Play Buttons The process is entirely at YouTube's direction. They have a team for "Creators" who (I presume) get notified when a channel reaches 100k, the channel is then manually reviewed against: The YouTube account must be in “good standing”   There must not be any copyright strikes on...
  6. C

    Favorite social Media?

    RE: Favorite social Media? Morally, I prefer Twitter. I find it much pleasanter as a community and company, and their data privacy/ethics seem to be slightly better compared with other sites. Practically, and with my marketing hat on though, I do like Facebook as a platform: Very well built...
  7. C

    PHP 8.0?

    With the latest version of PHP released in November, PHP 8.0, I was wondering if anyone had upgraded yet? I recently came across some scripts coded in PHP still using 5.6 and I know majority of current scripts (WordPress, Xenforo etc.) are still only 7.x compatible. So have you used 8.0 yet...
  8. C

    Logos yourself or hire someone else?

    When it comes to making logos for your own projects/forums/blogs, (if you have the skills) do you prefer to make them yourself or hire someone else? Whilst I've always been a huge graphic-design fan and can do things myself, I've often preferred hiring someone to make logos for me as I lack in...
  9. C

    AMD or Nvidia?

    When doing a custom build, are you more of an AMD (Radeon) person, or do you prefer Nvidia for your GPUs? I started off with an AMD Radeon X before moving over to the Nvidia GTX1080 and was impressed as the solid performance boost I experienced. So much so, I recently upgraded again to the RTX...
  10. C

    Hey there!

    Hey there everyone! Cumulus here - I'm a Masters Student and Social Media Manager based over in the UK :) Great to be here - Looking forward to some great conversations!