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  1. T

    Colleges Still Harsh

    Well, that's a good thing. Anyway, what I mean, is that despite primadonna culture (strongly prevalent there), pretty much all majors are tough. Even stuff like English - is no walk in the part - and can be as challenging as physics.
  2. T

    Anti-Bullying Movement

    Well, there is some justification for it - despite the primadonna culture in our land. http://[/url]https://www.t-nation.com/opinion/planet-fitness-nightmare Well, the above gym franchise told the bullies to leave - and with good reason! However, the article is critical of the place. Anyway...
  3. T

    Stoicism and Primadonna Culture

    I've been seeing so much stuff about stoicism - and maybe writing cynical stuff in return - possibly because so many guys want to "say they're tough" - but it's always better when it's lived and not said - kind of like with religion. Anyway, the root of this primadonna stuff - is certainly an...
  4. T

    Fake Hipsters

    I decided to grow some side burns (lamb chops) so my Jerry Seinfeld/Chevy Chase brother had to take a swipe at hipsters. He was noting one meme about the big beard hipster - who couldn't even change a tire! :LOL: Anyway, this hypocrite (my brother) has had a goatee for 20 years !! Jerk :mad:
  5. T

    What color of theme do you like?

    For my drumming and web development (I want a unique look.) forums I have dark - but the religious one I want to keep light. Anyway, studies have shown half of people like "only light", half can stand either - and a quarter only like dark. Those aren't exact figures, just something around that.
  6. T

    Social Mobility

    Many places in the world are cynical about capitalism - so there are revolutionaries and also cut-throat reactionaries. Well, what can be done to increase social mobility - so more people reap the benefits of the free market?
  7. T

    About Grammar

    Is this two sentences? I have this problem with my writing.
  8. T

    Disturbing Fact about Crime

    Abused as a child, executed as an adult. O.K. some would say that's whiny - but it does ring true. Considering this, how can laws accommodate this disturbing thing?
  9. T

    Music Notation Software

    I've been messing around with MuseScore for my drumming forum - and I find it better than TabTrax, what I was using. Oddly enough, MuseScore is free! Anyway, the learning curve was a little tough at first, but I get the hang of it now. A big problem was mastering triplets - since jazz uses...
  10. T

    Pedophiles and Brain Damage

    Brain damage seems to cause it - yet many cultural conservatives want to execute pedophiles - or at the least, put the harshest laws against them.
  11. T

    The Simpsons and Christianity

    While I disagree with traditional theology, I have to say The Simpsons take cheap shots at traditional religion. Anyway, also I am no fan of the Religious Right - but, nonetheless, we don't want to lump all religious folk into one mold.
  12. T

    Emigration from California

    Rents are too high in California and you see another problem with capitalism - a system I normally defend. I mean, some might comment it's just "too expensive" when $100,000 a year is still poor. (example: San Francisco).
  13. T

    Money Talks - The Problem with Capitalism

    My brother lives in Nashville and he's disappointed that a bunch of specialty trees (imports from Japan - a gift from the country) were cut to make something for some football thing. Anyway, that seems to be the scene in the world - and a problem with free markets. I mean, Nashville is booming...
  14. T

    Government Health Insurance for Kids?

    Well, I generally don't like big government - but if private corporations won't step in - I feel kids need protection. I mean, I was so sad when seeing Michael Moore's Sicko - and how kids had to die - because no insurance.
  15. T

    Atheists Seem Dead-on Correct

    Nonetheless, I don't agree with them - but I will settle with non-traditional religion. Anyway, the main problem is that God is not true to his own nature (love, justice).
  16. T

    But haven't people bought into social security?

    Some have claimed they bought into social security (worked for many years) - so they deserve the help. Well, that's true - but that doesn't make big government good, though. In other words, a different thing is more desirable.
  17. T

    Who is into 3D art creation?

    You know, stuff like Poser, Daz3D, Blender etc.. Myself, I'm certainly not good - unlike with drums. Well, I'm not terrible - but still sort of in a beginning state - but not baby-steps. Anyway, I'm speaking only of Poser. I've not not even ventured at all into Blender, zBrush, Daz3D.
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    Computer Languages

    What languages do you like? What do you find the most challenging? Which are the easiest/hardest? What is your goal with languages?
  19. T

    Happy to join in!

    I'm Jason (Jason76 from Forum Promotion) and my hobbies are playing music - especially percussion, 3D computer art, and web development. Anyway, I hope to have a good time on this forum.