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Colleges Still Harsh


Mar 31, 2019
Reaction score
Well, that's a good thing. Anyway, what I mean, is that despite primadonna culture (strongly prevalent there), pretty much all majors are tough. Even stuff like English - is no walk in the part - and can be as challenging as physics.
RE: Colleges Still Harsh

College is always going to be tough but the reward comes when you graduate and is worth the excursion I believe. Nothing in life is ever easy but many people are good at one thing and bad at another. You could be super good at math and science but be terrible at english and literature or the other way around. We all have certain things were good at. Which is why you can choose a major. Most people choose what their good at.
RE: Colleges Still Harsh

Did you hear about the college admission scandal?
RE: Colleges Still Harsh

Did you hear about the college admission scandal?
I heard about it. Was quite a funny thing if you ask me. The woman from Full House which is what makes it the funniest. Basically paying someone to act as if their kids were super good at sports or something from what I've heard. To me it seems like she loved her children and I get that where she wanted to make a difference in their lives though she went about it completely the wrong way. Anyways I can't believe so many people were involved. They said the FBI knocked a lot of these peoples doors down in the middle of the night just to arrest them.
RE: Colleges Still Harsh

I heard about it. Was quite a funny thing if you ask me. The woman from Full House which is what makes it the funniest. Basically paying someone to act as if their kids were super good at sports or something from what I've heard. To me it seems like she loved her children and I get that where she wanted to make a difference in their lives though she went about it completely the wrong way. Anyways I can't believe so many people were involved. They said the FBI knocked a lot of these peoples doors down in the middle of the night just to arrest them.
It happened at Yale?!?