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  1. Sincerem11

    Were experimenting with themes. A custom one will be made at some point.

    The theme isn't bad, it is cool. Even if it glitters much and affecting my eyes during sunny days, but generally the theme is friendly, we'll stick to it just as you've said admin.
  2. Sincerem11

    Cheating in games?

    RE: Cheating in games? I wouldn't lie, I cheated alot in the past playing Real foot football soccer on java phone back then, when I play using the Hand of God cheat over my siblings and friends back then, and I was winning games freely over them.
  3. Sincerem11

    Do you play NFT games?

    RE: Do you play NFT games? I do not play, but the decent P2E game I played offers crypto currency payment, which is similar to NFT rewards. But unfortunately I didn't last long playing the game due to extreme low reward system.
  4. Sincerem11

    Can you let your kids play Battle Royale?

    RE: Can you let your kids play Battle Royale? My dad didn't give me too much sticks when I started playing any sort of game, he only reduced my time going out in search of a new game to play always. I play Battle royale games during my childhood as such, I will allow my kids to play such games...
  5. Sincerem11

    Ads in free games

    RE: Ads in free games Definitely, their is no way a game creator will spend so much time creating video games and making it worth playing and not making money from his or her hard work. It isn't possible, even the so-called free to play games gets sponsorship deals for promotional purposes, and...
  6. Sincerem11

    How old to start playing games?

    RE: How old to start playing games? Start from any age at all, . I started from four till date, it doesn't matter about age when it comes to gaming. Video games aren't for adults or children alone, no such law, it's a mixed kind of entertainment where anyone can play for the fun.
  7. Sincerem11

    What's your favorite game series on Playstation?

    RE: What's your favorite game series on Playstation? Gran Turismo 7 is my current best at the moment, since it runs smoothly on PS4. Other previous editions didn't include a PS4 version in them.
  8. Sincerem11

    God of War Ragnarok Release Date

    RE: God of War Ragnarok Release Date That's encouraging, I just hope this words turns out to be fruitful when the said date reaches. We've seen series of rescheduled date of release in other games, even with this God of war game.
  9. Sincerem11

    What do you hate about your phone?

    RE: What do you hate about your phone? I've tried every means bro, it isn't allowing me downloading that chrome browser. And the most unfortunate part of it is that, I can't download chrome on my two android devices.
  10. Sincerem11

    Best selling Xbox Consoles?

    RE: Best selling Xbox Consoles? Yes man, it dent on video game industry, bringing low productivity of those gaming consoles. Every new gen console suffered the effects of COVID-19, and such even triggered Sony increasing the amount of their PS5 console price.
  11. Sincerem11

    What do you hate about your phone?

    RE: What do you hate about your phone? It is very absurd now on my device that I can't download the latest chrome browser version, their is nothing more annoying to me than that on my mobile device.
  12. Sincerem11

    What's your most embarrassing experience?

    My dad dragging me around and disgracing me because I went to my former highschool party was truly I nightmare for me even when I am 18+.
  13. Sincerem11

    The most bugged game played

    RE: The most bugged game played , It's rest in peace for that EA series game due to excessive bugs. And EA aren't doing anything at the moment to rectify the bugs in the series especially the on '2042 version, so many complain about the game.
  14. Sincerem11

    Which games are you playing on mobile phones now?

    RE: Which games are you playing on mobile phones now? Yes, Gangster games looks the same with GTA games, I think they're built by same developers. I've seen lots of ads on lord's mobile, I didn't bother to download the game due to lack of interest in it.
  15. Sincerem11

    Xbox Series X or S?

    RE: Xbox Series X or S? I am on same line with you, but I wouldn't go for just digital version, even if it is becoming the hot trend at the moment. Because, it saves time and doesn't crack, it stays clean for long. Unlike 'Disc version, it takes time to get it after ordering it online or going...
  16. Sincerem11

    God of War Ragnarok Release Date

    RE: God of War Ragnarok Release Date That's the first time I heard about the month of November and December being favourable for game developers launching their games overall. Let's hope it wouldn't pass by for God of war Ragnarok game, that has taken much time to get underway.
  17. Sincerem11

    Which gaming console are you playing with now?

    RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now? Correct man, time management is all that matters, I play on two devices at the moment. My mobile phone, PS4 and that's all for me at this time. Maybe in the future, I can consider 'switch, since it is a handheld gaming device.
  18. Sincerem11

    What's your favorite game series on Playstation?

    RE: What's your favorite game series on Playstation? I have two racing game series at the moment, namely; - Gran Turismo series - Motorcycle GP series. I am playing their sequel versions at the moment.
  19. Sincerem11

    God of War Ragnarok Release Date

    RE: God of War Ragnarok Release Date I am looking up to that date, it has taken a while for the game to get underway, I just hope their will be no future disappoinment in the game release just as we've seen previously? if the game impress based on others experience then I'll go for it.
  20. Sincerem11

    Which gaming console are you playing with now?

    RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now? My PS4 is the only console I have at the moment, I don't want to own more, it will be baseless when I don't devote much time this days to play video games.