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How old to start playing games?


Aug 23, 2022
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Do you think that age should be a factor when deciding on allowing someone to play video games or not? What age would you consider to be the right age for someone to start playing video games?
RE: How old to start playing games?

I started playing video games when I was still very young. I was 7 years old when I started playing video games. Gaming is for kids too as long as they are healthy games.
RE: How old to start playing games?

I began playing games at age 8. I think patents should let their kids focus on playing games as early as they could especially when the game is not one that contains horror scenes.
RE: How old to start playing games?

A kid can start playing games at the age of 4 but the most important thing is to make sure that it's a game that's good for kids. I started playing at the age of 7.
RE: How old to start playing games?

Start from any age at all, . I started from four till date, it doesn't matter about age when it comes to gaming. Video games aren't for adults or children alone, no such law, it's a mixed kind of entertainment where anyone can play for the fun.
RE: How old to start playing games?

While there can be a minimum age for playing games with certain elements (for example violent games are not appropriate for kids), there are no upper limits to playing games. You can start gaming at any age as long as you can enjoy it.
RE: How old to start playing games?

I was 15 when I started playing a game and it is one experience that I have never regretted till date. Playing games is fun and happy.
Okeluemuka said:
RE: How old to start playing games?

I was 15 when I started playing a game and it is one experience that I have never regretted till date. Playing games is fun and happy.
Wow, you're already a teenager when you're into playing video games. You must have missed a lot of fun growing up as a kid.
Nomad said:
RE: How old to start playing games?

While there can be a minimum age for playing games with certain elements (for example violent games are not appropriate for kids), there are no upper limits to playing games. You can start gaming at any age as long as you can enjoy it.
Most games can be a distraction to a lot of people. How do you think it is going to be possible to achieve greater success at school when the kids play more of the games?
Henrywrites said:
Most games can be a distraction to a lot of people. How do you think it is going to be possible to achieve greater success at school when the kids play more of the games?
Video games would only affect a child negatively if you let him or her play too much of it without giving their attention to other things, in as much as I let my kids play video I still give them a stipulated amount of time they are allowed to play.

And I would either ask them to get done with school work or else they wouldn't play video games at all.
Sincerem11 said:
Video games would only affect a child negatively if you let him or her play too much of it without giving their attention to other things, in as much as I let my kids play video I still give them a stipulated amount of time they are allowed to play.

And I would either ask them to get done with school work or else they wouldn't play video games at all.
You are saying that you are always going to be there? If that is true, then great. I have not been that free and I know I won't be available most of the time.
I started playing video games at the age of 9 years. My mother couldn't allow me play games when I was below 9 years. She felt it's going to distract me.