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    Nick vs Cartoon Network

    What do you all think? I would have trouble picking one as I have so many good memories watching both.
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    I can't get this scene out of my head

    And I wanted to share it with everyone. :p https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RJ__1lmPJWY?feature=oembed
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    Anyone loves Xenforo?

    RE: Anyone loves Xenforo? I absolutely love Xenforo. Its powerful and the admin control panel is easy to navigate , its fast and it has tons of features built in.
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    Did anyone here ever run a forum with invisionfree? Do you remember the old address? how big did it get?
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    Console Wars

    Are the console wars still a thing? I know they are atill rivals but once there was a time when it was all you'd hear about especially online butnI haven't heard any of that in ages.
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    RE: PS5 Oh yeah. There are TONS of classic games on Steam and GOG.
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    Just remember

    RE: Just remember Its pretty funny how I guess the world ended at least 3 times in our lifetimr aoone, huh? :ROFLMAO:
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    Hope you feel better soon! I can't wait. :)

    Hope you feel better soon! I can't wait. :)
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    I'm really digging this site! (y)

    I'm really digging this site! (y)
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    Favorite Mexican Dishes?

    RE: Favorite Mexican Dishes? Enchiladas. I love them so much I actually have enchilada casserole as one of my favorite dishes to make.
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    How do you like your Tacos?

    RE: How do you like your Tacos? Good tasting is how I like my tacos haha.
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    Just remember

    The world ended back in 1999 and we are all holograms.
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    Worst Forum Software in your Eyes? (free and paid)

    RE: Worst Forum Software in your Eyes? (free and paid) Worst free: PhPBB. Its fuck ugly, insecure, and when I last tried, a pain in the ass to try to mod. Worst paid: vBulletin 5. Honestly vB is a shadow of what it used to be today and it's depressing.
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    DAD JOKES...... fire away

    Found on facebook btw this isn't mine.
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    MindPiff Domains game 2

    Since the original was locked and I really like this idea I will re make this game! Poat a domain that would be funny for mindpliff! mindpliff.managemement
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    Star Wars

    RE: Star Wars Jedi Outcast was awesome. I played it quite a bit on gamecube. For me though, the sequel, Jedi Academy was the ultimate winner. Picture Jedi Outcast where you can use 2 lightsabers or a staff saber lol.
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    RE: PS5 Its a shame the past is being so heavily ignored. Even the ps classic was lame.
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    Xenforo too expensive?

    RE: Xenforo too expensive? I agree. Especially today you will ant anything that will fit and help whatever the cost.
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    RE: PS5 Oof it was? I guess I didn't follow the features of those consoles too well. That really sucks though as in this era of noatalgia you would think that would be a no brainer.
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    RE: VR I really want to get an oculus queat at some point.