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  1. Bawse

    Xbox or Playstation

    What company or consoles do you prefer? I own a PS4, and I've always preferred Sony, plus I have a lot of games I bought that are saved on my account.
  2. Bawse

    Best Free Game Engine

    I use to mess around with a few game engines. Which free to use game engine would you recommend?
  3. Bawse

    How long will youtube last?

    I don't think Youtube is going to fall off it's owned by Google.
  4. Bawse

    How often do you get a new phone?

    I only get a new phone when I break my old one, or if I have extra money, and it's time for a upgrade.
  5. Bawse

    Sonic Frontiers

    Anyone played it? The graphics are good for a Sonic game. Decent storyline.
  6. Bawse

    What games are you looking forward too in 2024?

    What are the games that get released later this year you're looking forward too? What game are you looking forward too the most?
  7. Bawse

    Is Steam worth it?

    Is steam worth owning? Do you use steam? I seen lots of people that use steam. I mainly play console games.
  8. Bawse

    Did any game made you choose having Xbox console?

    Palword is doing that for me. I'll probably get a Xbox for it, and I miss Halo.
  9. Bawse

    Empire Builders

    Do you play any empire builders on mobile? Which ones are your favorite? King of Avalon is probably my favorite. I start over every once in awhile.
  10. Bawse

    Do you pre-order any games?

    I never preorder games unless there is a deal if I buy it early. How about you? Have you pre ordered any games?
  11. Bawse

    Do you play any pokemon games for Switch?

    Which ones do you play? How are they different from the classic pokemon games? Do you prefer the Nintendo switch Pokemon games instead of the older ones?
  12. Bawse

    Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

    I always check the reviews. I won't download an app on Play Store if it's rated less than 4 stars.
  13. Bawse

    What's specs should you have for the best experience gaming on PC?

    I seen some crazy posts where people invested a lot of money into building their gaming PC. What specs would you recommend for starting out with PC gaming for your laptop/tower?
  14. Bawse

    Super Smash Bros?

    Honestly if I had a console with Smash Bros. I'd probably still be running that game when I have friends over.
  15. Bawse

    What console do you use?

    I have a PS4 currently. I would upgrade to PS5, but it's too expensive. I might way for PS6 lol.
  16. Bawse

    Do you think you would ever quit gaming?

    I'll never fully quit. I'll probably be playing NHL when I'm a old man.
  17. Bawse

    What's your favorite PC Games?

    Diablo Immortal, and World of Warcraft are the two I can think of off the top of my head. Both games are built by Blizzard.
  18. Bawse

    Palworld Anyone?

    Do you play? This game has been making waves over the last several months, it's basically Pokemon with guns. You can also tame humans, and do other things.
  19. Bawse

    What's your favorite Xbox exclusive game trailer?

    Definitely Palworld. It's not 100% exclusive to Xbox as it's available to PC gamers, but I wish I could play in on my PS4.
  20. Bawse

    Do you think Nintendo can make other table top Consoles in the future?

    Nintendo isn't going anywhere. They have too many classics. They're just missing a next-gen console.