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Do you think Nintendo can make other table top Consoles in the future?


Dec 25, 2022
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Nintendo has been known for handhelds and currently they are doing so well with the switch and the recent release of the Nintendo switch OLED version.

Would you like to see Nintendo making table top Consoles in the future?
I think they need to focus on Virtual Reality and VR now that it's becoming popular. Why Xbox is slow to release a AR or VR headset is the reason why playstation is doing the best. Nintendo has one VR headset they released but is for kids.
i would like to see a table top console from Nintendo switch but it would be better they focus on a market that isn't saturated maybe doing a VR headset or something of that sort.
Nintendo isn't going anywhere. They have too many classics. They're just missing a next-gen console.
yes. maybe the best handle console in 2025
Al least it will better than steamdeck
They hit the nail on the head though with the handheld combined with tv connection console. They have like a ton of patents too so you can't copy them.
With the success of the Nintendo Switch, I believe that Nintendo has the chance to release a top console in the future. I am hearing we may hear something soon in regards to a new console so I am excited for that.