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  1. U

    Worst Fear About Growing Older?

    RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older? Well I suppose I should have elaborated, but since everyone else has brought up most of the other things I fear about growing old, erectile dysfunction was the only thing I could think of that hadn't been said prior. I'm on the younger side if you must know.
  2. U

    Worst Fear About Growing Older?

    RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older? Erectile dysfunction
  3. U

    Last Game Played?

    RE: Last Game Played? For single player, Metal Gear Solid V, and for the last multiplayer game it would be Valorant. Just started playing Valorant recently and haven't played games with CSGO like mechanics before so map callouts are one of the areas I suffer from doing the most
  4. U

    Besides drugs, what are some of the worst addictions one can get?

    RE: Besides drugs, what are some of the worst addictions one can get? I know food addiction has been mentioned before but a more specific one related to that which affects me is a sugar addiction. Just one of those things that I can never seem to get out of my life or reduce a decent amount...
  5. U

    What songs hold the most meaning to you?

    RE: What songs hold the most meaning to you? Hold Your Colour and Self v Self by Pendulum, which is one of my favourite bands. I don't know why they struck me so deeply because, especially on Hold Your Colour, the lyrics are simplistic but their message to me is about staying true to yourself...
  6. U

    Do you smoke?

    RE: Do you smoke? I used to smoke cigarettes for a short while but I stopped because I didn't really need them and they're expensive as hell in Australia. Haven't touched one in a while and I only have the occasional one when I'm extremely drunk. Weed is illegal here so I would try it if it...
  7. U

    Last episode you watched / chapter you read

    RE: Last episode you watched / chapter you read Naruto: Shippuden episode 370
  8. U

    What anime are you keen to see return?

    Whether it has been officially announced or there is just more manga to adapt, which anime are you keen to see another season for? Me personally I'm most keen for Haikyu's return since imo it's most hyped match is next (no I'm not a manga reader). Others that have been announced and I'm keen for...
  9. U

    What's your favorite pokemon game of all time?

    RE: What's your favorite pokemon game of all time? Might be a bit controversial but none, since turn-based combat games rarely ever keep me engaged and the Pokemon series just wasn't one of them. The only spin-off from the main series I played was Pokemon Go when it had the world by the balls...
  10. U

    What music makes you cringe?

    RE: What music makes you cringe? None at all! Not that I'm saying I enjoy all genres but if there is a kind of music that I think would be bad or is considered 'cringe' to others, eventually I'll find a few songs I enjoy within that genre.
  11. U

    What kind of Phone Do You Have?

    RE: What kind of Phone Do You Have? Motorola Moto e5, which is a cheap phone that I got to replace my cheap Samsung galaxy j2 pro that mysteriously disappeared out my pocket walking to the pub drunk with my friend and couldn't even be found with "Find My Device". :confused::confused: It does...
  12. U

    Most spent on a game?

    RE: Most spent on a game? $56 for Halo 4 close to when it first came out (now I wait until things are on sale) and around $200 in skins for League of Legends :(
  13. U

    Weirdest food you've tried?

    RE: Weirdest food you've tried? Probably jellyfish tentacles, which are very hard to swallow, gritty and have no flavour, even dipped in some sauce.
  14. U

    I'm doing well thanks for asking and I don't mind what you've done with the site. I would have...

    I'm doing well thanks for asking and I don't mind what you've done with the site. I would have been back earlier but whenever I tried the site the past few times it was down for maintenance.
  15. U

    What are you listening to?

    RE: What are you listening to? https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bSdtvfBQd6c?feature=oembed