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Most spent on a game?


May 6, 2020
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What is the most you've spent on a game and its related accessories and DLC?
RE: Most spent on a game?

I would probably say around $300 for Call of Duty and the season pass with all the stuff I bought in the shop and different items I had also bought. I usually buy a lot of stuff for call of duty when I get the money. Not as much in recent days but a couple years ago I spent quite a bit.
RE: Most spent on a game?

Gta vcmp, I was young and had a lot of time on my hands and played all day and night from about 2009-2021
RE: Most spent on a game?

Oh man umm including all premiums and battlepass shit since 04 about 20k
RE: Most spent on a game?

Most spent on a game, well, it's a fact for me it's a simulator, It's not a game it's a simulator that based in real events. Give or take in GBP is almost close to £1000, then again since I do not count how much over the years it might be even more. The New MSFS2020 is £80 plus another $30 to £40 worth of addons that's over £120. But its P3D V5 that I use, and with Orbx and aircraft it does add up. One aircraft like the 747 can cost $150. For an A320 from aerosoft is around £60. That's just software and addons, for PC and hardware to run it it's another story that can be VERY costly.
RE: Most spent on a game?

Over $3,000 has gone into league of legends. I first started playing it early 2009 and when I got my first job and was still living with my mom I put literally my entire paycheck into league, every paycheck. Now it's all worthless as they give out skins and everything for completely free.. But oh well lol. I supported a small indie company until it became a large company that eventually got bought out for a few billion dollars lol
RE: Most spent on a game?

I've spent $50 or $60 on the actual game. It's hard to say how much I've had to spend on accessories. I don't really remember.
RE: Most spent on a game?

I started playing it in around 2006 and loved the game a lot, spending 10+ hours a day crunching numbers, coming up with theories
RE: Most spent on a game?

$56 for Halo 4 close to when it first came out (now I wait until things are on sale) and around $200 in skins for League of Legends :(
RE: Most spent on a game?

I'm a game lover, I spend a lot when it comes to buying game accessories, and console. I spend mostly on CD plates, console upgrades.
RE: Most spent on a game?

Most spent would be 30$, not much of the gamer. But spent the money to buy few games in Steam.
RE: Most spent on a game?

World of Warcraft, without a doubt. Was logged in every hour outside of work for about 3 years
RE: Most spent on a game?

I probably spent close to $750 on the mobile zombie game, Last Shelter: Survival. Mainly for stuff to get upgrades and tokens to do things. Never really thought about how much I was spending, till I started tabulating the package prices for the various stuff, over a couple years or so.
RE: Most spent on a game?

If I can recall correctly, the most I've ever spent on a computer game would be 50$ for Skylanders on the Nintendo Wii. This didn't include the figures to place on the portal, which were roughly 10$ each. Sooner or later, the video game as a whole cost me a whopping 200 bucks! 
RE: Most spent on a game?

properly over $1500 in total for all addons for flight simulators, I mean I can't remember what I have paid over the years but it has added up to that amount. I do love to do flight simulators from the good old days of FSX to P3D. As of today doing the new Microsoft flight simulator 2020

It's not cheap for addons you now, each airport scenery can cost as max of $25 each and also aircrafts can cost as high as $150 XD - Last aircraft that I brought was around $35 for the Twin ottor  If you all want to get into the flying hoppy then you need to expect big money, even hardware. 
RE: Most spent on a game?

Over $1K US on a gacha. They're a trap with horrible rates so be warned. 

If we're talking normal games, then it might be the regular AAA title's price - $60 (minus a cent).  Maybe a bit over if we're counting paid DLC but I can't recall the prices. 
RE: Most spent on a game?

80$ on World of Warcraft Game+ Subscription. I mean that's the most I ever spent and that's the most I ever will spend again. Never again will I waste so much money lol
RE: Most spent on a game?

I don't really spend that much on video games but there is a possibility that others spend too much. I know a guy who spends more than $1000 on games on monthly basis. 
RE: Most spent on a game?

I think I've spent around $250 for additional items in a Minecraft server. Unfortunately, the server closed after 2-3 months and it wasn't really worth the purchase. Well, I could have spent the money better but that was my interest at the time.