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Recent content by 22_22

  1. 22_22

    People that don't listen to or appreciate new music?

    I really get annoyed by close-minded people and this is no difference when it comes to music taste. I am talking about those people who are 'too cool' to listen to new music or hate when a band changes their sound. I don't know if this happens a lot in other genres but I really like pop-punk but...
  2. 22_22

    PSP or DS Lite?

    Gosh, I am 23 years old now and it has been years since I have picked up one of these hand-held devices. Everyone at my school when you could bring your games in, would bring in either one or two of these. Even before the crazy technology times we are living in today, these were way more popular...
  3. 22_22

    The longest book you have ever read?

    'A la recherche du temps perdu; by Marcel Proust contains an estimated 9,609,000 characters. The title of this French novel translates to "Remembrance of Things Past" and apparently it is the longest book out there. I am not sure how many more there are quite like this, but I can imagine it...
  4. 22_22

    Are you a saver or a spender?

    When it comes to spending money, which one are you? Do you like to splash the cash or do you prefer to keep it in the bank for a rainy day? Do you make smart purchases or are they quite impulsive? What kind of things do you like to spend your money on?
  5. 22_22

    Summer or winter sports?

    Are you more of a person at the beach playing volleyball, or are you a winter thrillseeker, zipping your way around a skiing course? I do love both styles of activities so it would be difficult for me to make a decision, but I definitely have more experience with summer sports. I love being...
  6. 22_22

    Thoughts on documentaries?

    I think documentaries are great. They have a range of different styles, whether it be history, sport or so forth. I myself really enjoy sports documentaries, which I am grateful to Netflix for, as they have multiple different ones. That is where I watched Sunderland til I die' which follows the...
  7. 22_22

    What is the most useful app on your phone?

    A lot of us probably have tens of apps downloaded on our phone, and maybe we don't even use a lot of them? So which one is your favourite or that you find most useful? For me, it is a toss-up between the Premier League app and Google Translate. The former allows me to see Premier League...
  8. 22_22

    Academic style books or other readings

    As a student, I have to read a lot more credible sources such as academic book chapters and journal articles. Some things are interesting and very educational, but sadly because I am reading them, I do not find the time or energy to read for fun. Does anyone else read more academia based...
  9. 22_22

    The PERFECT album?

    What is one of those albums you simply cannot find a fault in? I am talking about those strong releases where you just listen continuously, without skipping any of the songs. For me, there is so many I could list, as I prefer this way when listening to music. It has more authenticity in my...
  10. 22_22

    Nature walks

    Who here is the outdoorsy type and loves walking in nature? Whether it is a beautiful nature reserve or national park, or simply your local park! It all counts. I just love being outside so I will walk absolutely anywhere. Feel free to share pictures here of walks you have been on throughout...
  11. 22_22

    TV shows or movies turned into books?

    Hopefully I do not confuse anyone here, but I think it is well documented that many books have had feature films or tv show adaptions. But what I am asking here is, what do you think about tv shows or movies that have been turned into books? On the flipside if you wish! Which books have you...
  12. 22_22

    Mandatory Masks

    RE: Mandatory Masks I have not been keeping up to date with it too much as I think it is dangerous to my mental health to constantly be in the loop about this pandemic. I have kind of just got used to the fact that this will be around for a while and although I am not sure where anyone is at...
  13. 22_22

    How many hours do you spend on gaming?

    RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming? In recent times I have been gaming a lot more, just as a way to escape life and the busy world that is happening around me. It is hard to guess how long I spend each day as it can vary and I do not look at the time often when I am going, so the time...
  14. 22_22

    How do you like your Steak?

    RE: How do you like your Steak? That really did make me feel sick, haha! I am much more of a medium or medium-rare kind of guy, enough red on show but not so cooked that is impossible to chew. I love it seasoned with pepper and chips but as for other sides, I am not really sure as it usually...
  15. 22_22

    Do you drink tea or coffee?

    RE: Do you drink tea or coffee? I remember when I was very young the only hot drink I could really stomach was hot chocolate, which I loved but it took a while for me to expand my tastebuds. From there I moved onto fruit and herbal tea and such but with plenty of sugar to make it more...