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PSP or DS Lite?


Apr 26, 2020
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Gosh, I am 23 years old now and it has been years since I have picked up one of these hand-held devices. Everyone at my school when you could bring your games in, would bring in either one or two of these. Even before the crazy technology times we are living in today, these were way more popular than board games.

So which one did you have and what kind of games did you play on it? I loved to play Mario Kart on the DS.
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

I had a 3DS for quite some time. Invested many hours into playing different Pokemon games on them. One of the hardest I've ever played being Pokemon White. I survived to win the game with the smallest amount of HP left on my last pokemon. As for mario kart I played that too.

They have a new system coming out for handhelds. I don't know when it will release. I heard something about a Nintendo DX from some where but I'm not exactly sure what the update is or if that was a rumor. I'm sure they'll release a new one outside the switch for a better 3DS soon though.
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

I still have my PSP, although it's now sat gathering dust.. :LOL:

I softmodded it to play many of my favourite PlayStation games, as well as a few retro games from the Genesis and the SNES. Several of my friends have borrowed it when they've gone travelling and have offered to buy it, but I can't quite bring myself to part with it. Who wouldn't want to play the likes of Final Fantasy VII when they have a 20+ hour flight to endure!
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

I played a good amount of PSP and DS games and i can say that PSP was far more interesting, it is a more powerful console and the game catalogue is more vast.

The RPG department is a tough one, the Zelda's game is very good on DS but so are the Ys games on PSP. Also you have all the pokemon games which are great.

Now that both consoles are affordable maybe you should get both.
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

I have and still have both. Which both handhelds have their fair share of good games, I think the DS lite was much better.
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

I made an awful mistake of asking for a Nintendo DS Lite for Christmas when I was younger. It had some decent games and was an "okay" device for me but honestly, a PSP would have been a lot better for me.
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

I made an awful mistake of asking for a Nintendo DS Lite for Christmas when I was younger. It had some decent games and was an "okay" device for me but honestly, a PSP would have been a lot better for me.
And I tried PSP, it's cool. I haven't tried that Nintendo thing. But I was quite satisfied with PSP.
Though, I heard some experts claiming DC is much faster and has higher resolution than PSP. However, I never checked it's genuineness.
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

When i was little bit younger, i use to hire PSP from my friend to play PES. During that time which is 2012, the PES 2011 really caught my attention.
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

I had them both! I primarily played games like Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force series 1-3 over the years on the PSP, whilst on the DS more so games like the Pokémon series.
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

I had them both! I primarily played games like Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force series 1-3 over the years on the PSP, whilst on the DS more so games like the Pokémon series.
Yup, I played it for some days. But I don't like such card games actually. Then I switched to End of serenity.
I watched yo-gi-oh! anime series, which I find much better than the game version. :D
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

I'd go with a 2DS/3DS/3DSXL if you'd go the DS route, mainly because they are backwards compatible with any DS game, while still having the newer 3DS games being playable.
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

I'd go with a 2DS/3DS/3DSXL if you'd go the DS route, mainly because they are backwards compatible with any DS game, while still having the newer 3DS games being playable.
That means any game of 2DS can be played in 3DS also. Well I have played games on my PSP, I am unsure about how 3DS is in compared to PSP. But reviews are saying 3DS is better.
RE: PSP or DS Lite?

That means any game of 2DS can be played in 3DS also. Well I have played games on my PSP, I am unsure about how 3DS is in compared to PSP. But reviews are saying 3DS is better.
Actually it is 3DS games being playable on 2DS, it's just the 3D function doesn't exist due to possible health issues.