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Thoughts on documentaries?


Apr 26, 2020
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I think documentaries are great. They have a range of different styles, whether it be history, sport or so forth. I myself really enjoy sports documentaries, which I am grateful to Netflix for, as they have multiple different ones. That is where I watched Sunderland til I die' which follows the demise of Sunderland Football Club.

Does anyone else here really enjoy documentaries? Please share with us some of your favourites and why.
RE: Thoughts on documentaries?

I like watching documentaries myself. On netflix some of them are interesting. In the past I've watched several on medical marijuana for people with cataracts that are sick and also different ones based on crime. One I enjoyed was about the greatest diamond heist in all of history somewhere in Europe. It was an interesting watch. But also about past presidents and different things can be a good watch.
RE: Thoughts on documentaries?

I like watching some documentaries but not all of them. What really makes a good documentary is the narrator because that can make or break a film. When I was a substitute teacher at a high school we watched tons of films and most of the documentaries were lame because the voice was monotonous. I need some dramatic sounding voices LOL
RE: Thoughts on documentaries?

There was a big popular one a while back called How it is made. It was great watching and neat seeing how things were made.
RE: Thoughts on documentaries?

My thoughts are if it does interest me then I do watch it to the end, but end of the day I'm not a documentaries guy, it's fascinating, but at times I tend to get bored and loss interests. I do watch allot of documentaries though that I do enjoy :)
RE: Thoughts on documentaries?

I haven't watched a documentary in a while, but I use to watch them nonestop back in the day. I use to love them, but now it's easier to look it up and read an article in half the time than to watch an hour long documentary you can find the answer to in 3 minutes.
RE: Thoughts on documentaries?

If the documentary isn't too long and with a lot of garbage, I don't really think that I would be interested in watching it till the end to be honest with you. 