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You are my God Dang hero. Welcome back, welcome back.

It's good to see you again? How are you doing? I hope you like what I've done with the site. I'm investing in White Hat backlinks now so we should see results soon.
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I'm doing well thanks for asking and I don't mind what you've done with the site. I would have been back earlier but whenever I tried the site the past few times it was down for maintenance.
Yeah that was a once in a blue moon thing. You probably caught me right when we were transferring domains. I actually also own the domain TheGeneralForums.com but decided on this domain instead. We just weren't seeing many unique visitors. This time were seeing a lot more potential.
Welcome to Cafe Discussions. I want to thank you for joining and say that I am enjoying reading some of your posts. Welcome to the site.
Thank you for your comments TopSilver. You have some great engaging topics out there to discuss and it was fun. Thanks.
Sure thing. You did a great job. Thanks. Your welcome back in your free time if you want to check us out from time to time once we grow :D
You are a serious entrepreneur and I want to thank you again for coming back to the community and starting the posts. I look forward to seeing you more. ~TopSilver
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You're a good man, God will bless your hard work dear. I'll support you.
Welcome bud! We will be moving to the domain CafeDiscussions.com in the next day or so but will be a final switch. Domain will redirect however.
We just made the switch. Welcome aboard. I still have that domain too if your are still wanting it
Welcome to the site bud. It's fantastic to have you here with us. I hope to grow the site into a sort of getaway for people to discuss and share their opinions. Some agreeable content you've posted.
apparently you are missing the time periods where the traffics coming in from when you log on. It's been fluctuating a good bit since I redirected that domain. Sometimes there's 5, sometimes there's 15 and other times up to 50 guests online. I plan to buy more. No worries as I wanted to let you know I got this in the bag. Made 46 cent just yesterday off of google adsense on 1 single click.
Why I didn't do this before is beyond me. The secret to SEO was in front of me the entire time yet I never knew. That expired domain site is an absolute gold mine. I don't plan to buy any more but the traffic ones.