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YouTuber Channel Listing


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Post your youtube channel here. This is the only place I'm allowing you to post a link to your channel. This is only to keep spam out of the forums and to keep it organized. Here you may post your channel one time. Please do not post it more than once to get attention. For those who have already posted their channel this does not apply. From here on out this is the youtube channel thread.

Thank you :cool:
RE: YouTuber Channel Listing

I know this is slightly off topic to Youtube links, but would you ever consider the posting of Discord links on a separate stickied thread?
RE: YouTuber Channel Listing

I know this is slightly off topic to Youtube links, but would you ever consider the posting of Discord links on a separate stickied thread?
Probably not since there's not a section for it. You can put your discord username in profile settings though. As for servers themselves it may be a possibility in the future but currently I believe it would cause a lot of clutter.
RE: YouTuber Channel Listing

Heyo, here’s my channel I do a variety of things but consistently gaming at the moment. I’ve done plenty of commentaries and other types of videos but I plan on eventually moving onto vlogs and music style videos. I won’t abandon gaming since it’s been a big part of my life and I probably won’t ever give it up.

RE: YouTuber Channel Listing

youtube.com/creamtv or creamtvgaming one of the two
RE: YouTuber Channel Listing

Mine is youtube.com/bdon33. I did revamp my channel a few months ago.
RE: YouTuber Channel Listing

My YouTube name is http://Bizdustry. We want to help others make money online & make the right financial decisions. I upload at least one video a week, and currently, I have over 1,500 subscribers and 30,000 views in total.
RE: YouTuber Channel Listing

Here's my channel DevNami. I have been making the code and gaming tutorials for some years. I don't have much following but hope that in near future I can get good following for the channels.

RE: YouTuber Channel Listing

Umbrella Online has ventured in to YouTube, which is something that I never expected to be saying.. :giggle:



Not much to showcase just yet, but I plan on doing some game playthroughs from the survival horror genre with commentary as time permits.