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Your must-have addon?


Mar 19, 2024
Forums are still pretty popular and I am always seeing new forums popping up which is great to see, for a while I did wonder if forums were struggling to social media, I am happy to see the passion is still there for forums. :)

If you run a forum, what would you say is the must-have addon that you have to install?
Probably the forum stats add-on we have the shows recent posts, threads, and most popular. That really helps out a lot.
I'll go with the credits and shop add-ons for Xenforo. They're really easy and fun to set up!
I would always go with the custom forms app in any forums.

Its a personal choice because for the last few years, I have been thinking about building a roleplaying forum where I would be using the forms system a lot.

Not sure if XF has a forms add-on. PhpBB has one, for sure.