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Yearly or Monthly subscriptions

Abizaga said:
RE: Yearly or Monthly subscriptions

I prefer yearly ones so you don't have to deal with money being constantly drained from your bank account.
This is how I go with my Netflix subscription. The constant charging on my account with monthly subscription is very annoying .
Typically a yearly subscription would give you the better value and what I would go for if I know it's something I will be using for at least a year.

If I'm just trying something out or I just need it for much less than a year then I will go for a monthly subscription.
Would you prefer a yearly subscription or a monthly subscription?

While we're on this topic, not only would I prefer a yearly option, I would also prefer the following options:

  1. Netflix Originals only
  2. Device only (phones & tablets aka iPad)
I actually used to do monthly subscription but I found out that it is a complete waste of time and even money as well which is why I now focus on paying for all of my subscription on yearly basis because it even saves me time and money.
The yearly subscription is always cheaper and cost effective. Once I have the money, that is the one that I always focus on doing and not having to worry for the rest of the year.
For services like YouTube and Spotify, I personally prefer monthly subscriptions. It's convenient because I can reassess my usage and whether I want to continue with the service on a monthly basis. Plus, it gives me the freedom to switch to a different plan or cancel altogether if my preferences change. How about you?
The reason why some people are not always interested in paying for yearly subscription is when they wish to terminate the service because it is bad, they won't to be able to do it if they have paid for a yearly subscription.