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Who is into digital art?

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Who has messed around with scene setting programs like Poser or Daz 3D?   Who has tried to create 3D models with Blender or some paid alternative?    Who is really good at digital art?    How would you compare it to traditional painting and drawing?   Who has tried to paint or draw by using a computer only? 
RE: Who is into digital art?

Digital arts is simply taking the spotlight nowadays. Since lots of businesses prefer going online to seek attention by marketing their products. It means they require the posters, banners, or flyers in order to showcase their business in a professional way to potential customers. So, it's an advantage for graphics designers to make money creating the stuffs for the business owners. I am learning graphics digitally, even if I've lost my touch which I was very passionate to, during my teen age. 
RE: Who is into digital art?

I was always interested in drawing and fairly good at it too but bad at coloring. As I wanted to learn new things, and when my friends suggested to try my hands on digital art, I thought, why not? It is certainly easier compared to any other traditional media such as oil paintings, watercolors and crayons and the best part for self coaching beginners like me was that you can press the undo button in case you messed up in between and revert the image to previous steps before the mistake. To begin with I am using free version of IbisPaint X, which is good to get your hands accostomed to naunces of digital art.
RE: Who is into digital art?

I'd like to get into Blender.  However, it would be very time consuming to learn - and I have other more important projects going on.     Anyway, I do at some point want to strongly tackle Blender.
RE: Who is into digital art?

Wish I knew how to do it,  I tried to learn but I quickly gave up on it Blender was fun for a while but well I am old and can't really have too much free time.
I have been using Photoshop for anything that I have to design as a digital art. The features that are available on Photoshop helps you to design anything.
Not me, I have no interests in digital arts. I appreciate the good one's that are designed but it's not what I can do myself.
I tried my hands on digital art when I was learning photoshop. I have a deep fascination with digital art but sadly I couldn't improve my skills. These days I explore AI fore creating digital art.