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Which gaming console are you playing with now?


Feb 1, 2022
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Currently, I'm stuck with my Playstation 4 as my last resort since it's been almost impossible for me to get my hands on Playstation 5.

I'm not say that it's not serving me but I really need to move up with the PS5 trend. I can't wait to have my own PS5.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

I have Playstation 4 but it's not something that I play on very often like I do on my Xbox series X.

If I had PlayStation 5, maybe I'm going to be playing more games on it.

RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

I have Playstation 4 but it's not something that I play on very often like I do on my Xbox series X.If I had PlayStation 5, maybe I'm going to be playing more games on it.

If I had Xbox Series X, I would definitely be playing it more than Playstation 4. It's almost at the level of Playstation 5 from the way I see the Xbox Series X.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

The gaming consoles that I'm playing on at the moment are ;

1. Xbox 360

2. Playstation 2

3. Playstation 4

I will add Xbox Series X or PS5 to it soon.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

My PS4 is the only console I have at the moment, I don't want to own more, it will be baseless when I don't devote much time this days to play video games.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

My PS4 is the only console I have at the moment, I don't want to own more, it will be baseless when I don't devote much time this days to play video games.
I very well understand the reason why you wouldn't want to purchase another PlayStation console because you are not getting enough time playing on your PlayStation 4. I would feel the same way too because when I don't have much time to play, there is no essence of buying more.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

I have my friend's Nintendo Switch to play with for the weekend. I have already played Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on it this morning. I will play Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild later.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

I have both the Playstation 2 and 4. It depends on whether I am playing alone or playing with a friend. When playing alone, Playstation 4 is on a different level.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

I'm back home from work now. I have started playing The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild on my friend's Nintendo Switch.

I will switch to my Playstation 4 later in the night.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

I'm playing with Playstation 4. My brother have Playstation 5, so I visit his house once in a while to play on the console.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

I very well understand the reason why you wouldn't want to purchase another PlayStation console because you are not getting enough time playing on your PlayStation 4. I would feel the same way too because when I don't have much time to play, there is no essence of buying more.
Correct man, time management is all that matters, I play on two devices at the moment. My mobile phone, PS4 and that's all for me at this time. Maybe in the future, I can consider 'switch, since it is a handheld gaming device.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

Series X, Steam Deck, and PS5
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

Series X, Steam Deck, and PS5
Wow, you already have a Playstation 5. When did you purchase it and from which store?

I can't wait to get my own.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

Wow, you already have a Playstation 5. When did you purchase it and from which store?
I can't wait to get my own.
The scarcity of Playstation 5 will soon be put to bed. COVID that have been causing its delay have almost been dealt with.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

I have played on PS4, but these days I don't play on consoles, I am more of a PC gamer. I have a gaming laptop and I play games on my laptop. I sold my PS4 and used the money to partially fund my gaming laptop.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

The scarcity of Playstation 5 will soon be put to bed. COVID that have been causing its delay have almost been dealt with.
This is what every video game player is praying for for a very long time now because we have waited so long for the PlayStation 5 to be available and we just hope it comes soon.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

This is what every video game player is praying for for a very long time now because we have waited so long for the PlayStation 5 to be available and we just hope it comes soon.
I understand a lot of people wants the Playstation 5 to be available in the market. However, I strongly doubt that the price will crash below 500 dollars.
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

I play on my Playstation 2 right now. That is one of the best consoles that I have played on and will always want to play on.
Henrywrites said:
RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now?

I understand a lot of people wants the Playstation 5 to be available in the market. However, I strongly doubt that the price will crash below 500 dollars.
If you're looking for Playstation 5 that's sell below $500, it's definitely going to be bricked console.

I won't ever care about getting such a console at all.
I have a PlayStation 4 and a Nintendo switch OLED version which I use for all my video gaming activities.