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Where did you learn coding?

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Reaction score
Were you self-taught?   Did you use self-help books?   Did you study at school?   What kind of school?

Myself, I took some courses in community college and two at a university.   Also, I studied some sort of programming in middle school in the very early 90s.
RE: Where did you learn coding?

Self taught here. I learned on my own but I only learned HTML and CSS. No coding beyond a bit of PHP is my skill set but I am learning as days go by.
RE: Where did you learn coding?

TopSilver said:
Self taught here. I learned on my own but I only learned HTML and CSS. No coding beyond a bit of PHP is my skill set but I am learning as days go by.
I want to learn coding as well. Could you tell me what resources you used to learn from? Like a website or an app? I hope with time I could learn coding and be able to make my own projects.
At lot of what I've learned about web development came from online resources and basically trying things out to see how it works.
RE: Where did you learn coding?

I want to learn coding as well. Could you tell me what resources you used to learn from? Like a website or an app? I hope with time I could learn coding and be able to make my own projects.
To make a website, I basically searched online and found a bunch of resources related to what I wanted to do like if I wanted to figure out how to make a layout or how I can create a menu. Plus looking at the syntax of different things like HTML and CSS can help.

Biggest thing for me was deciding what I wanted to make and just trying to do it. Anytime I ran into some obstacle like not knowing how something worked, I would do some research to try to learn about it and then go back and see if I could. Good luck!