What do you say to friends or family who ask for free graphics from you? Are they pushy? Do they want things done immediately even though they say take your time?
It depends on who it is. My baby brother who's 9 I believe asked me for a logo and I made one up
However, if anyone else that actually has the capability of making money in my family or friends I tell them my prices. Family or not, in my opinion it's rude to ask someone to do something without offering compensation. It's like going up to your buddy who owns a company demanding free stuff from it. You need to support them, and actually pay for it like anyone else.
Treat them as a client. Send an estimate for what you'd charge a real client for the work, along with a basic contract with terms scope, payment instalments, the whole thing. I mean why not
If they baulk at paying, tell them you'll try to fit in work for them as a favour in your spare time between paying clients. Paid work gets prioritized. Always. If you present yourself as a pro, they'll eventually get it that you don't work for free.
Simple rule Don't charge the ones that have big favors on you like parents, siblings or a few close cousins, and for the rest that aren't close like a bestie either ask for a you owe me one or charge them.