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What's Your General View On Life?


Active Member
Apr 3, 2024
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What's your take on life? Are you a glass-half-full optimist, a realist navigating the ups and downs, or perhaps a philosophical ponderer? Share your general outlook on life - whether it's about finding meaning in small moments, embracing chaos, or something entirely unique to you.
Always look for the good and don't always look at the bad. So many bad things happen that when you lose site of the good it can be hard to get that part of your life back. Don't just look at what sticks out but do some soul searching and search for happiness. It can be found in the most unexpected places at the most unexpected times.
Life is a colorful canvas waiting to be painted. A blend where each moment holds the potential for creativity and connection. I believe in embracing both the shadows and the highlights, finding beauty in imperfections, and dancing to my own rhythm.
Whether I see the glass as half full or half empty depends on my mood. In other words, whether I am a realist, pessimist, optimist, etc. depends on my own situation. I am not always the same person.
Be kind to others because you do not know what anyone is going through
"What goes around comes around"!!

I've always lived by this code in my life. It's why I don't trample on others because I believe in karma.
I believe in 'live and let live', which simply means ensuring that everyone has got a chance at life. Don't make moves to bully me because you feel that you've got the power to do so. That is never fair on anyone at all.
My general view about life is that you should always try and be happy and take things easily because trying to do everything at once is always going to have you feeling disappointed when you cannot be able to do them.