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What's your favorite Arcade Game?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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What's your top favorite arcade game and explain why? Tekken 6 used to be my favorite at Cici's pizza. I would always play it and try to get as far as I could before the game ended. Those were some good times. I now own Tekken 7 for the Xbox One but it's not the same as playing an a arcade. I also remember when I was a kid trying to win tickets from Chuckee Cheese which was actually pretty fun even for an adult. I would play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles there which was impossible to win.

It was basically like a choke hold type game where you get far enough and they try to choke you out of going any further. What's your favorite and why?
RE: What's your favorite Arcade Game?

I used to play a lot of Metal Slug, Contra and most of Mortal Kombat games! Arcade are not as popular as it used to be 15 years ago. now all we have around here is racing games and physical arcade games like real basketball and stuff, it's depressing.

I remember getting to the 3rd stage of Contra without dying a single time.
RE: What's your favorite Arcade Game?

I used to play a lot of Metal Slug, Contra and most of Mortal Kombat games! Arcade are not as popular as it used to be 15 years ago. now all we have around here is racing games and physical arcade games like real basketball and stuff, it's depressing.I remember getting to the 3rd stage of Contra without dying a single time.
I have metal slug for the nintendo switch. It meh if you ask me. I think arcade games are still popular for kids at birthday parties and stuff. I still think Chuckee Cheese is still around. For adults probably not quite as popular but for younger kids I believe they still get into it. Mortal Kombat would be super fun to play as an arcade game. Currently I just have it for Xbox One. Racing games are sometimes fun to play. I recall playing Hydro Thunder on the little boat thing you can sit on (boat racing game) and that was a blast.
RE: What's your favorite Arcade Game?

I know that racing games are fine and stuff, but real arcade games are like the fighting games and smash em up kinda stuff! to challenge your buddies into knowing all your combos and special moves were the hit back in the 90s!
RE: What's your favorite Arcade Game?

I'd have to say Dig Dug, although it is quite simplistic, I find its gameplay quite addictive
RE: What's your favorite Arcade Game?

I miss the original Time Crisis. A shooter where you can dodge/take cover.
RE: What's your favorite Arcade Game?

I like the pinball arcade game but that's also because actual pinball machines were still around when I was growing up as well as the introduction of arcade type games. I had the best of both worlds!

I had a friend who repaired all types of arcade games and he had a bunch in his house so it was pretty cool to go visit.
RE: What's your favorite Arcade Game?

Hands down, and without a doubt Crazy Taxi, I have it on Dreamcast but it's just so much better on the arcade. It's such a fun, super fast pace game and it's what inspired The Simpsons Road Rage which is an amazing game as well :)
RE: What's your favorite Arcade Game?

1@Xyphien[/uSER] that is a good arcade game. I definitely remember playing it at best buy back when dream cast was big (I was just a kid).
RE: What's your favorite Arcade Game?

Really not into arcade games, to retro. I liek modern PC games. If it isnt Pc i dont care.