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What's wrong with the world?

Sir Twisted

Apr 18, 2020
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In your personal opinion what would you say is wrong with this world?

Personally I would say quite a lot of wrong with the world however just be a little more specific I would say, murders, pedophiles, global warming, corrupt politians and so much more.
RE: What's wrong with the world?

Woman and money seem to be what stirs most of the world. That and the way things look to a certain individual before they realize how it appears was not exactly what it really was. Movies and TV seem to be a big portion of this. The way something appears on TV can affect a lot.

Ever heard of a circadian rhythm? In my opinion the way someones mind works, they spend each day and each night with the same garbage around them it can lead to aggressive behavior depending on how dominant or mentally sick someone is. A circadian rhythm is basically a cycle from each day to each night. Some people get used to certain things. When an individual is used to something too much it can have many effects on their actions. Just my thoughts.
RE: What's wrong with the world?

To be blunt yet bleak, quite a lot in my opinion. I agree with the previous poster about how the media can influence how people look at themselves, but it can also influence their behaviour and attitudes.

I firmly believe a prevalent issue in the world (which can link to many more of their own individual issues) is that people lack the ability to think for themselves or use common sense. Many situations and problems could be avoided but society is so obsessed with normative behaviour, with people too afraid to stray out of this. I guess with the presence of social media there is more autonomy being shared, but social media is also causing many of the worlds problems when it is used poorly.
RE: What's wrong with the world?

I think that globalization shows the weakest part of human kind, how bad stuff can become popular because everyone is doing something. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad.. it's just trendy.

For example those challenges in this TikTok community, one has to lick their WC... that's insane! That's not something you should copy but there are noble exceptions.

Maybe we, the 90s, 00s generation should raise their kids and teach them how to properly use the web because when things started to go this way, we were teenagers with some sort of consciousness.

That's only one thing that i mention that is related to the future...
RE: What's wrong with the world?

People forget how to be an actual human being with common courtesy & common decency. They look out for number 1, are greedy with no regards on who & what they hurt.
RE: What's wrong with the world?

A lot of things are going wrong in the world. Starting from higher sectors such as politicians, leaders to the lower. People think, money is the only way to success and has classified themselves into class systems, which discriminates them from each other. Money and power, both are being used wrongly.
RE: What's wrong with the world?

Today’s world is full of competition, insecurities, politics, fraud and unkindness . Greed has poisoned humans’ souls.
RE: What's wrong with the world?

Now, I wouldn't say anything else is the world's problem but the pandemic of coronavirus. I do not know if there any other bigger problem the world have right now than the virus!!! 
RE: What's wrong with the world?

TopSilver said:
Woman and money seem to be what stirs most of the world. That and the way things look to a certain individual before they realize how it appears was not exactly what it really was. Movies and TV seem to be a big portion of this. The way something appears on TV can affect a lot.
Ever heard of a circadian rhythm? In my opinion the way someones mind works, they spend each day and each night with the same garbage around them it can lead to aggressive behavior depending on how dominant or mentally sick someone is. A circadian rhythm is basically a cycle from each day to each night. Some people get used to certain things. When an individual is used to something too much it can have many effects on their actions. Just my thoughts.
The real question that I'm going to ask you is who doesn't like money? Yes, it's true that women likes money but males too love money and some even go to extra mile of rituals to make money... 
RE: What's wrong with the world?

Anachiwo said:
The real question that I'm going to ask you is who doesn't like money? Yes, it's true that women likes money but males too love money and some even go to extra mile of rituals to make money... 
To the best of my knowledge, I believe that I love money more than any human being that have come across but it doesn't make me irrational or stupid. 
RE: What's wrong with the world?

Heatman said:
To the best of my knowledge, I believe that I love money more than any human being that have come across but it doesn't make me irrational or stupid. 
That's an already established facts when it comes to you and money. You both are inseparable and it's good that you are not letting it make you silly. 
RE: What's wrong with the world?

Sir Twisted said:
In your personal opinion what would you say is wrong with this world?
Personally I would say quite a lot of wrong with the world however just be a little more specific I would say, murders, pedophiles, global warming, corrupt politians and so much more.
I'm of the opinion that pedophiles should be killed if they are caught in the act. I don't care about another person's opinion because they are worst than the devil from the hell of fire. 
RE: What's wrong with the world?

The system is what's wrong with the world and funny enough, the system is being run by human beings, so in essence we humans are what's wrong in or with the world. Most of us are so twisted to the point they aren't humans again. 
RE: What's wrong with the world?

Ja sa bong said:
I'm of the opinion that pedophiles should be killed if they are caught in the act. I don't care about another person's opinion because they are worst than the devil from the hell of fire. 
I fully support you on this because I can't believe that an adult would defile a kid for his or her sexual desire. 
RE: What's wrong with the world?

I believe that the world is actually dying gradually and we are really seeing it because we are busy chasing a lot of things that's worrying us. 
The social media is also playing a part in screwing up the world because a lot of people are behaving like that they don't have a good thinking and it's simply because of the effects which social media is pulling on so many of them.