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What's the Scariest Video Game Boss You've Encountered?


Apr 3, 2024
Reaction score
What's the one boss battle that gave you chills down your spine? Whether it's a jump scare, eerie atmosphere, or just plain terrifying design, share your scariest encounters below.
Probably the invisible elites in Halo that hard a sword. I remember playing campaign where they were invisible and would try to hit you with a sword. Either that or Destiny probably.
Probably the invisible elites in Halo that hard a sword. I remember playing campaign where they were invisible and would try to hit you with a sword. Either that or Destiny probably.
The Invisible Elites are in Halo: Reach. My personal pick would be "The Baby from Resident Evil Village". It's a baby with a slimy, wormlike body that chases your around in a basement in one of the houses, and if it catches, you'll die instantly. There's no defending yourself against it either. Just its sheer appearance scares the living crap out of me.