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What's the oldest Playstation console you own?


Feb 1, 2022
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I simply can't let go of my Playstation 2 console because of the attachment I have with it. The console just clocked 22 years and it's still being appreciated by so many gamers.

I have given away my Playstation 1 and 3 but I can't do the same thing with my Playstation 2.

Do you have such attachment to any of your old Playstation consoles?
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

It's going to be Playstation 1 which I just only owned for a few weeks before giving it away to one of cousin's.

Playstation consoles have never been my pick but Xbox and it's why I still love my Xbox 360.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

It's going to be Playstation 1 which I just only owned for a few weeks before giving it away to one of cousin's.Playstation consoles have never been my pick but Xbox and it's why I still love my Xbox 360.
Playstation 1 really open up our eyes to the endless possibilities that's achievable with the gaming console. I know one guy in my neighbourhood who still plays only on his PlayStation 1. He's more like an old classic gamer. New gen consoles isn't for him.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

My oldest Playstation console is Playstation 2. I still have it functioning very well now. I played Resident Evil 4 on it last month just to make sure it's still working well.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

My oldest Playstation console is Playstation 2. I still have it functioning very well now. I played Resident Evil 4 on it last month just to make sure it's still working well.
It was very difficult for me to give away my PlayStation 2 because of the kind of love I have for that PlayStation console. But I eventually letter gave it away two years ago to one of my cousins who really needed a console to start playing on.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

I used to own PlayStation 1, 2 and 4. But now, I have only my Playstation 4. It's serving me very well because I can play some of Playstation 5 games on PS4. I sold my Playstation 1 and 2 when I bought Playstation 4.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

I still have the PlayStation 1 my brother gave to me. It's still working very well. It stopped working when it was infested with dust but after cleaning it, it started working fine.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

It was very difficult for me to give away my PlayStation 2 because of the kind of love I have for that PlayStation console. But I eventually letter gave it away two years ago to one of my cousins who really needed a console to start playing on.
I don't think that I would ever bring myself to give mine away. Even if I'm not a collector, my Playstation 2 would be the only console I would have to keep as a collection.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

My oldest Playstation console is Playstation 2. I still have it functioning very well now. I played Resident Evil 4 on it last month just to make sure it's still working well.
Playstation 2 is a sweet console. The number of games that are on PS2 is so great at the time it was trending. PS3 never came any close to it.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

Playstation 2 is a sweet console. The number of games that are on PS2 is so great at the time it was trending. PS3 never came any close to it.
Not many even went for the Playstation 3 console when it came out. That is to show you how popular the Playstation 2 was back then.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

Not many even went for the Playstation 3 console when it came out. That is to show you how popular the Playstation 2 was back then.
It felt as if Playstation 3 never reached gamers expectations. Sony knows that too and it's why they did great with developing Playstation 4.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

I used to own PlayStation 1, 2 and 4. But now, I have only my Playstation 4. It's serving me very well because I can play some of Playstation 5 games on PS4. I sold my Playstation 1 and 2 when I bought Playstation 4.
I kind of noticed that you didn't have Playstation 3 amongst the one's you played one. Would you mind my asking why is that?
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

I didn't own a PS1 when it came out or during it's trending duration. I started from PS2, so PS2 was my first ever console game. Many are still playing it till date, it is hard to find users playing PS1 today.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

I didn't own a PS1 when it came out or during it's trending duration. I started from PS2, so PS2 was my first ever console game. Many are still playing it till date, it is hard to find users playing PS1 today.
It's not really that hard to see those who still play on PlayStation 1. I still have at least 5 of my friends who still play on their PS1. Although, they have PS4 too.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

Heatman said:
It's not really that hard to see those who still play on PlayStation 1. I still have at least 5 of my friends who still play on their PS1. Although, they have PS4 too.
I see more of those playing on the Playstation 2 here than the Playstation 1. It might be as a result of a lot of them not having the Playstation 1 when it was trending.
RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

I have the Playstation 2 and it remains one of the oldest consoles that is still relevant in this part of the world.
Playstation 4 is the oldest console that I have and still play on. I would have still had Playstation 2 to play on but I gave it away last 3 years ago.
The oldest Playstation console that I have is Playstation 1. 

It's still with my till now but I no longer play any video games with it because it's got an electrical problem or even mechanical problems. 