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What's the most disappointing game you've played?

RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

Haha, I am currently addicted to Rocket League! Do you play this?
That’s a fun game, at one point I was but faded off of it.
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

My most disappointing game would have to be Wanted, weapons of fate. Had a amazing concept and a story that could have been cool but everything was so poorly executed. Let me know if any of you have play this because im curious.
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

My most disappointing game would have to be Wanted, weapons of fate. Had a amazing concept and a story that could have been cool but everything was so poorly executed. Let me know if any of you have play this because im curious.
I’ve never tried or heard of it but I’ll have a look at it.
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

Rayman was a total let-down - so boring! Paper Mario was a disappointment - but maybe a cheat guide could have gotten me past the 1st level!
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

I guess it's gotta be TF2. It was the hype, forever, and I don't get it. I played for 20 minutes and uninstalled the program without question.
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

I guess it's gotta be TF2. It was the hype, forever, and I don't get it. I played for 20 minutes and uninstalled the program without question.
You mean team fortress 2? Why is that? I think it's one of the most casual games to connect with your buddies to play.
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

[lmgtfy]lowest rated game ever[/lmgtfy] - I wanted an excuse to use this BBCode
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

You mean team fortress 2? Why is that? I think it's one of the most casual games to connect with your buddies to play.
Yeah Team Fortress 2 ... I wasn't a big fan. I didn't really get the hang of it and got bored before getting into it. I've always been more comfortable playing on consoles, so that might have had something to do with it. I don't play any video games on the computer other than Minecraft because it keeps my mind busy like a crossword puzzle. I thought maybe I'd try out something that was trending at the time.
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

I find rust is also garbage. Can’t really sit down and play. Seems like people camp spawn sites and just shoot anyone who joins
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

Yeah Team Fortress 2 ... I wasn't a big fan. I didn't really get the hang of it and got bored before getting into it. I've always been more comfortable playing on consoles, so that might have had something to do with it. I don't play any video games on the computer other than Minecraft because it keeps my mind busy like a crossword puzzle. I thought maybe I'd try out something that was trending at the time.
That was me when I first started to play TF2 but I just persevered with it until I didn't mind playing it. It's fairly different compared to other online shooters, so that's why i was confused as to what to do at first.
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

Yeah Team Fortress 2 ... I wasn't a big fan. I didn't really get the hang of it and got bored before getting into it. I've always been more comfortable playing on consoles, so that might have had something to do with it. I don't play any video games on the computer other than Minecraft because it keeps my mind busy like a crossword puzzle. I thought maybe I'd try out something that was trending at the time.
You can mix cool outfits and weapons too, it adds lots of fun for me. The payload is nearing a checkpoint!!!
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

I play it myself. And it's cross platform. So I would play with you sometime. Even if you have a pS4 and I have an Xbox One we could still play. I'll talk to you about it later on. It's a great game
We can but I don't think we can join each others party. We would need to by random, meet each other in game which is a very low chance lol.
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

We can but I don't think we can join each others party. We would need to by random, meet each other in game which is a very low chance lol.
Yeah I figured that was the case actually now that I have heard other people talk about it.
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

hard question , that would probably be new crash bandicoot remake that came for ps4 and pc

didnt like it overall and still prefer OG ps one games
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

hard question , that would probably be new crash bandicoot remake that came for ps4 and pc
didnt like it overall and still prefer OG ps one games
What do you think about the RE2 remake?
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

i liked it, havent played much tho
It was added a lot of more passion imo but it still lacks something to be perfect.
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

It was added a lot of more passion imo but it still lacks something to be perfect.
yup, but graphics are on point
RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played?

yup, but graphics are on point
Gameplay is kinda rusty, even though it looks more "real" the bag and stuff still is a real pain.. after all these years..
Red Dead Online used to be very promising but after a while, Rockstar stopped supporting the game.

Ever since then, it's been a very disappointing game to waste your time on playing to be very honest.