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What's the current design 'trend'?


Mar 23, 2021
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For me, it seems that graphic design and it's trends have come full circle. A few years back it was about all these jazzy, all-singing all-dancing posters with flashy elements. Nowadays, the trend seems to have gone from that to more muted designs to minimalist designs with limited color palates. You may have seen the move from even the bigger brands to a more simplistic logo style and that doesn't seem to be going away.

What do you think is the current trend? Where do you think the trends will take us next?
RE: What's the current design 'trend'?

I didn't see this thread. Icons and simplistic logos do seem to be the design trend these days. Simple is sometimes better though as long as it isn't too minimalistic and simple.
RE: What's the current design 'trend'?

Minimalistic designs are kinda more appealing and add a bit of creative touch and you're all good to go and people love it. I guess it has to do something with the way people think like their psychology, now a days people just want attractive and simple. Even in fashion people are more going towards simple and impactful clothing and designs.
RE: What's the current design 'trend'?

The current design trend is flat design. Flat design has become very popular because it's a very clean and simple way to design. It looks clean and minimal, and it's nice to the eyes. It's popular because it's easy to implement, and it looks good on a variety of devices and screen sizes. The flat design is a combination of the old and the new design trends