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What's something you learned today?


Apr 22, 2020
If you're like me, you probably are a very curious person that's always looking to learn something new. So, let's share the new knowledge so we can all gain some more! What's something new you learned today?

Today, I learned that there's a super simple way to make your glasses fog up less when wearing a face mask like we have to wear now when we go outdoors. The trick? Put your glasses on AFTER the mask, because there's less space between your skin and the mask that way, so less fog will come up and cloud your vision!


Apr 14, 2019
RE: What's something you learned today?

That people are truly monsters. I watched a video of a park ranger doing his job while being professional and remaining a respectable distance away and was shoved into a small body of water by some of the social distancing violators. Even worse than that, in Michigan, a security guard was shot and later died due to trying to do his job to protect the employees of a store and customers by requesting a family wear masks.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
RE: What's something you learned today?

That people are truly monsters. I watched a video of a park ranger doing his job while being professional and remaining a respectable distance away and was shoved into a small body of water by some of the social distancing violators. Even worse than that, in Michigan, a security guard was shot and later died due to trying to do his job to protect the employees of a store and customers by requesting a family wear masks.
I actually saw that on TV. It actually looked like one of the guys tripped over the ranger when he fell into the water nonetheless it was probably on purpose. People are just nuts.

Did I learn something new? Well I learned how to install scotch box over the weekend for Xenforo 2. Basically a development environment for making add-ons. It's an alternative to using XAMPP. Basically a virtual machine VM that holds the installation.


Active Member
Retired Staff
Jul 4, 2018
RE: What's something you learned today?

Particulary i always learn something about history or sports.

I found out that the first NBA videogame endorsed was released in 1989 featuring the all-time top scorer Kareem Abdul Jabbar and was named after the ferocious rivalry between the Lakers and Celtics in the 80s.

On the side of what's really important, Taking care of your mental health is mandatory.

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