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What would you name your own news channel?

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RE: What would you name your own news channel?

MindPiff News Network 1@TopSilver[/uSER] =P
RE: What would you name your own news channel?

If I had to name a news network I would probably name it "The Smoking Gun". Just a good name that comes to mind.
RE: What would you name your own news channel?

If I had to name a news network I would probably name it "The Smoking Gun". Just a good name that comes to mind.
Sounds like a movie instead
RE: What would you name your own news channel?

I would call it JoyFreak News and it will be able gaming and such. I could also venture into technology news as well as films/movies. I think have a broad selection is good for news outlets.
RE: What would you name your own news channel?

JoyFreak News. Niice!

There's a lot of tech news out there.
RE: What would you name your own news channel?

WRRN. We Are Real News.
RE: What would you name your own news channel?

I would probably name it NewsinDet (News in Detail). I think it's a unique name and does suggest its a news channel.
RE: What would you name your own news channel?

I would name it SWEN DEN (NEWS ....  the letters arranged the other way  SWEN) 