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What type of mobile games do you prefer?


Mar 20, 2024
Reaction score
I prefer war or strategy games when I'm gaming on mobile.

What type of games do you like to play on mobile?
I don't get into all that like clash of clans and stuff like that. Playing Yugioh or Pokemon trading card game is what I prefer. The fact that they upgraded ptcgo and it's now on mobile was a good move on their part.
I'm definitely a fan of role-playing games on mobile too! There's just something about diving into an immersive story or leveling up characters on the go that's really appealing. Whether it's exploring vast fantasy worlds or engaging in strategic battles, RPGs on mobile offer a great way to escape into another world, even when I'm on the move
Overall, I enjoy playing card games and like you mentioned, strategy games. I usually play when I'm out and have some downtime. Since I may not have a lot of time to spend gaming, I prefer games where I can quickly play.