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What strikes you're sense of humor?


Retired Staff
Apr 18, 2018
Reaction score
I for one like dark jokes that tend to offend people. i enjoy the ones that get under your skin and you dont even know why you hate it but you just do.
If it's offensive usually it's funny. I actually can't wait to see what kind of jokes people post.
I got that tone where people think I'm joking but really I'll be serious just with a big smile on my face lmao
Jokes that only certain people would get
What really gets me going is taking the piss out of people (which usually involves dark humour), also any humorous things involving people I know usually seems funnier
I like jokes that make u think why. Sometimes it may take a bit to get, but when you do, you will be like doh!! The laughter comes from the fact that it took you awhile to get the joke. So mainly it's more of an achievement :)
Uhmm i just say a lot of inappropriate childish crude humor tbh.... I crack myself up.