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What sports did you play when you were little?


Jan 11, 2021
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I played everything that has a ball, basketball, football, rugby, anything really. I really loved sports and still do

What about you?
RE: What sports did you play when you were little?

Well for me it was a lot of sports but I only played teams with baseball and soccer. When I was 10 years old I got hit with a baseball bat and almost died. They stitched me up but it was close to my temple and I got lucky.
Shole said:
I played everything that has a ball, basketball, football, rugby, anything really. I really loved sports and still do

What about you?
Did you play cricket too? It's a sports that I never got used to playing at all when I was still a kid.
Shole said:
I played everything that has a ball, basketball, football, rugby, anything really. I really loved sports and still do

What about you?
Basketball and football for me. A lot of football because I grew up in a place where you see lots of kids having fun by playing football.
I played lots of volley ball with my fellow kids in the neighbourhood. It was a very popular sport in my area.
Football is my favorite sport and I also played very well and constantly before I was injured. I still make a time to play but in a very minor way so that I will keep enjoying the feeling of being a footballer.
I played football a little when I was younger and that was just it. When it comes to the sports I was involved in as an adult or even a teenager, I cannot remember playing football and I wouldn't even do it now.
Football is my favorite sport and I also played very well and constantly before I was injured. I still make a time to play but in a very minor way so that I will keep enjoying the feeling of being a footballer.
Football is also a popular sports in my neighborhood when I was growing up but so is volleyball. I had more interests in being involved in volleyball which was why I played it more when I was a kid.
What sport didn't I play? Football, Basketball, Cricket, Skateboarding, In-line Skating, Scooter etc. Honestly, I was such an active child. I still am active but I no longer do a lot of those activities.
When I was little, I used to enjoy playing football, tennis and also rounders which is similar to baseball :) I always remember my friends asking me to take the final bat in rounders to help us win as I could hit the ball quite far.
When I was little, I used to enjoy playing football, tennis and also rounders which is similar to baseball :) I always remember my friends asking me to take the final bat in rounders to help us win as I could hit the ball quite far.
When you're good, it can't be hidden from your teammates. They will always want to use your skills to get better advantage for the team.
When you're good, it can't be hidden from your teammates. They will always want to use your skills to get better advantage for the team.
This is very true :) I never minded it to be honest as I loved playing the game but I can understand how it could be a burden on others if they are not as much into the game even though they may be good at it.