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What kind of stuff do you guys watch on YouTube?

RE: What kind of stuff do you guys watch on YouTube?

Phoenix said:
  • How is it Made
  • Unbox therapy
  • Speed runs
  • David Blaine
  • CrazyRussianHacker
May I ask what Unboxing therapy is? and got to love some how it is made
I watch lots of vlogs from various YouTube channel and basically I just watch anything that catches my attention and I don't have any particular pattern for this though.
I watch a ton of different things on YT. How toos, music, TV shows, movies, trucking stuff, and so much more.
I like to watch a lot of music videos, game trailers, movie trailers and interviews on youtube. There’s also some podcasts that I watch as well.
I tend to watch quite a bit of YouTube nowadays and when I do, the YouTubers I tend to watch both either live or in video are

The Boys
SpecialEd (Eddie VR)
I mainly watch educational content, I watch youtube to learn new things. I also watch informative content, I watch youtbe to find information. I also use youtube for entertainment, so I watch fun videos as well