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What kind of player do you hate as a Co-op player?

There is a different angle which a game where you play as a team is supposed to be played because if you are playing on a solo tactics as a teammate, you will definitely not be helping your team members.

This is true, but when there is no need for a teammate, what do you end up doing?
I haven't seen anyone bring up these kinds of players yet - campers. It's one thing to hold down a position to give your team some support for a period of time but don't stay there all game!
This is true, but when there is no need for a teammate, what do you end up doing?
For co-op games, you will always need to play with a teammate. It's when you're not playing such kind of games that it doesn't matter if you don't have a partner.
You play to win, right? I believe that the urge to win is always the main thing that they add into consideration at the end of the day and worry less about the wellbeing of other gamers.
You're definitely on to something here. They just want to win at all cost - it doesn't matter if the team suffers. An approach like that has many drawbacks though.
You're definitely on to something here. They just want to win at all cost - it doesn't matter if the team suffers. An approach like that has many drawbacks though.
The thing is that winning is actually very important but when you are playing this kind of game, winning as a team is more important than winning as a solo individual.